First Appointment.

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short story,

this is the closest i'll write to harry dominance.

each chapter is between two weeks or a month later.

lower case indended because chapters are shorter than a page.

third person.

louis walks into the waiting room and sat down in a chair across from harry. he sits nervously, tapping his leg vigorouly, and hands clammy from sweat.

harry looks up from the magazine he was reading and sees the nervous boy. "you'll be alright." harry tells louis.

"what?" louis asks.

"i said, you'll be alright." harry repeats. "is this your first time here? i've never seen you here before."

"uhh... yeah first time." louis mumbles.

"what are you in for?" harry asks.

"umm, just a check up i guess. you?"

"i'm here to donate blood." harry explains.

"harry styles." a nurse calls.

"well that's me, good luck for your check up."

"thanks, good luck with your blood."

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