Chapter 6: I Never Realized a Panic Attack Could Be So Peaceful

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"Andrew, why are you standing in a cloud of steam in here?"

My eyes snapped open to find that I was standing there, flame-free, in front of the sinks surrounded with a room full of thick steam. Through the cloud more humid than a Kentucky summer, I could make out the shape of who I guessed was probably Blue. The voice that spoke confirmed my assumption.

"I...uh..." I fished for a believable answer, coming up empty handed.

Blue stepped forward, the details of their face coming into focus, pulling me into a hug-they were a remarkably good hugger due to their height. "It's okay, Andrew. Trauma's seldom easy to deal with."

A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. "Thank..." then a thought struck me, "Wait, how did you know I-"

"I have my own scars, Andrew."

I looked up into the taller person's dark eyes to see a sad smile on their face. I decided not to pry.

"Besides," Blue chuckled, "Alex told me you were trapped in a burning building."

I pulled out of the hug, an awkward laugh escaping my lips. "Oh...yeah..."

Blue reached down and playfully ruffled my ginger hair, breaking through the uncomfortable air from the heavy subjects our conversation was tiptoeing around. "Do you wanna get out of this sauna of a bathroom?"

I nodded, smiling weakly, wiping away the remainder of tears in my eyes.

Blue and I made our way out of the dreaded girls' bathroom to find Alex pacing anxiously on the other side of the door.

"Andrew!" The football player swept me into one of his mama-bear hugs as soon as I stepped into his line of sight. "Oh my god Andrew youneedtotellmewhenyourehavingapanicattackandnotgointoaplacewhereicanthelpyouohmygoddudeyouknowthisicantbelie-"

I hugged him back as he frantically spewed his worries about my wellbeing onto me-not unlike a worried mom to their children-with a weak smile on my face.

"Alex, don't you think you should give him some air?" Blue cut in, pulling the massive teen to the earth again.

"Oh, yeah." He placed me gently back on solid ground.

I held my arms out in a not-so effective attempt to steady my balance. I had forgotten that I was hyperventilating, but the dizziness hit me then and there like a ton of bricks.

"You okay, dude?" Alex asked, noticing my sudden pause.

I nodded, not wanting to alarm the big guy more than he already was. "Yeah. Just a little dizzy. Hyperventilation, y'know?" I pointed toward the nearby corner in the hall. "I'm just gonna sit down over there for a bit..."

I took a few shaky steps forward before I lost my balance, tripping on air. I would've eaten tile for the second time that day if it weren't for Blue's quick reflexes. I looked over to see their surprisingly strong hand clasped around my upper arm, preventing me from falling further. Blue gave Alex a knowing look and immediately he took my other arm, leading me to the corner I pointed to in an attempt to keep me from toppling again.

The three of us settled down on the floor-me in the middle, Alex on my right and Blue on my left in the corner. I tried to get my breathing in check again as I had begun to hyperventilate in my panic when I began to fall, and my two friends provided support. I found myself resting my head on Alex's shoulder-well, technically bicep seeing as I was even shorter in comparison when we were sitting next to each other-as he rubbed my back in the same comforting way he always did.

"Shouldn't we head back to biology?" I asked after a few seconds.

"We can when you're ready. We explained to Ms. Sharp about the panic attack, and she said to take all the time you need," Blue assured me.

"Well, I did mostly. You weren't quite sure what was going on," Alex corrected playfully, "I asked for you to come along in case you went into a bathroom like you usually do outside of band class."

"Oh whatever, bitch," Blue joked back with a mock-annoyed look on their face before shifting their attention to me. "Are you ready to go back?"

I shook my head. "Not yet." I was still dizzy, still working things out in my head. I needed to sit here for just a little longer...

I didn't realize I was dozing off until I was jolted awake by the bell, signifying the end of our sixth period class.

"I guess that's our cue..." Blue muttered as a stream of students flushed the halls.

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