Cupcakes and Dresses Ep.5

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Originally posted on, Link in bio. This will be an episode behind, so if you want to read ahead, (cause humans are impatient beings), check me out on the other site!

Mystic Radio Ep. 5: Cupcakes and Dresses





"I should teach you to bake." Jaehee chimes.

"What?" I ask.

"It occurred to me, while you can cook well, you might not be able to bake well." Jaehee says thoughtfully.

"That's true." I agree.

Jaehee springs up from the couch. "It's settled then! Besides, you'll need to know how to bake when we open the shop.".

"Its only been a month since we moved in Jaehee. I doubt we'll open any time soon." I say.

"Well the appliances we ordered should be here in about two weeks. We should prepare as much as possible till then." she notes. "Lets get started! I'm assuming you know enough to not burn down the building." she teases.

I laugh a bit, "Bold of you to assume I'm capable of not setting fire to the whole place." I remark making her laugh a little as well. I know how to bake just fine. I'm pretty good at it actually, but she's so excited I decide to entertain her and agree, saying "But yeah, you're right. I know the basics but you can teach me some tips and tricks.".

"Well, what should we make then?". She starts pacing the floor mumbling different desserts to herself.

"I invited Yoosung over, to show him one of my new games, so how about chocolate? Maybe some cupcakes? Then he can taste test."

Her face lights up at the suggestion. "I actually know a really good recipe for that! We should have everything." She flies into the kitchen and I follow with a chuckle. "Ok, we're going to need two eggs, some flour-".

She continues listing ingredients and we both scurry to get everything together.

"Here," I hand Jaehee her pink apron, "If we're going to bake, we should put these on.", holding up my own black one.

She puts hers on and skillfully ties the knot in the back with such fluid movements, you can tell she's done it a lot. "MC, do you need help tying yours? It can be a bit tricky getting the bow right when you cant see what you're doing." she laughs.

"You don't have to, but that would help.".

She moves behind me and bends over slightly as her slender fingers tie my apron. I turn around as when she stands back up, our faces a bit close for comfort.

I turn my head to the side, "Anyways... What do I need to do?".

"Ah that's right!".

She hands me a large bowl and has me prepare the dry ingredients while she mixes together the wet.

"Remember to make sure there aren't any flour clumps." she tells me.

"Got it." I say while mixing the bowl. After triple-checking, I inform her "I think we're good. I didn't find any lumps.".

She brings over her own mixture of eggs and buttermilk and such, and pours it into my bowl.

"You want to mix it until it becomes a thick liquid, try not to overdo it or the cupcakes will come out too dense.". She then moves to prepare the muffin-pan.

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