chapter two: straight from the urban outfitters' website

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I jump awake at a thud and the sound of footsteps on the roof directly above my room. Not again.

Not even two seconds after the thought leaves my brain one of my many cousins, Marla, comes running into my bedroom, blonde hair wild and blue eyes crazed with panic and exasperation.

"We have a problem." She states, then runs out of my room and I listen to her footsteps pound down all five flights of stairs and back out the front door to try and fix the situation.

Marla somehow convinced the family, or coven, to let her train some of the younger kids how to perform smaller spells such as teleportation or astral projection. This is yet another one of those failed attempts of a teleportation spell I was talking about.

I crawl out of my fluffy white duvet and step down from the platform my bed is on, searching for my ripped mom jeans. I literally just wore them two days ago where are they. I swear if Margo took them- oop here they are. I pull them on as a look around my room to try to find my black spaghetti strapped bodysuit. Why the hell wouldn't I wait and put that on first? Whatever.

I find it thrown lazily across one of the chairs on the other side of my room. Running to grab it, I smack my head on one of the potted plants hanging from the ceiling.

"Are you fu- ughhhh."

My bedroom literally looks like it's taken straight from the Urban Outfitters' website. I have so many throw pillows and blankets and plants and vinyls and lights and other weird nick-nacky things.

I put on my small gold hoops and my white airforces for good measure before jogging down the stairs to assess the situation.

When I get into the front yard Marla is trying to coax Oliver, the kid stuck on the roof, to "poof" himself back down. Marla's twin, Margo, is sitting on the front porch shouting not so encouraging words of encouragement.

The two of them are my age. Eighteen. Despite the fact that they're twins, they're exact opposites. Quirky and unique, I know. Marla is blonde and likes to wear those flowery sundresses that you think you'd only see the girls in California wear. She likes indie music and sunflowers and she's too kind for her own good. She's one of those "let's go to a farmers market and flower picking while eating fresh picked strawberries while also watching the sunrise" type girls. She has the soft girl aesthetic down to the T. I love it, but don't get me wrong, she's one badass witch when she needs to be.

With Margo it's like day and night. While Marla is bright and soft, Margo is dark and hardcore. She has dark brown hair and she wears cropped band t's and cargo pants and ripped mom jeans with fishnets underneath. Her perfect eyeliner is almost as sharp as her tongue. The pair of them are strikingly beautiful, and despite their many differences, they are inseparable. Most of the time with twins who are stark different, they don't get along. But with M&M, they love each other more than anything and would without a doubt die for each other.

"Can you please do something?" Marla begs me frantically. "If any of the aunties see this I'll be dead. Or worse. What if an elder sees?"

She pulls at her blonde roots in distress. This has happened many times before, but this must be the first time it's been under Marla's supervision.

I smile at her before teleporting to the roof expecting to see a crying, frightened Oliver, but instead came face to face with a kid who couldn't be more relaxed. Oliver is lounging back with his ankles crossed, leaning back on one hand while eating an apple with the other.

"Oliver are you okay? You scared Marla half to death!" I walk across the roof towards him. The six year old looks up at me innocently.

"She wouldn't shut up. I needed some air."

I laugh at the way he talks as if he's older than just six.

"Well what do you say we go back down and I'll take Marla off your hands. But you have to promise not to do this again okay? It's not safe." I offer my hand out to him.

"Awwww fine. But it's fun to look over and see the puppies!"

My blood runs cold at what he says. I freaking love puppies, I'd be the first to know if our neighbors got any. He's not talking about golden retriever, air-bud looking puppies. He's talking about the sharp-toothed blood thirsty witch oppressing wolves at the treeline. I look over my shoulder to the backyard and see a group of them just behind the boarder. You wouldn't be able to see them if you weren't looking for them. They're watching us.

A shiver runs down my back and I return my attention back to Oliver and smile down at him.

"Let's have one of the aunties make you some lunch."

After returning to the ground, all of the kids run back inside and Marla, Margo and I are left in the front yard.

Margo looks at the two of us. "Retail therapy anyone?"

Chapter Two down !!! Lots more to go. I hope you're enjoying so far. This was pretty much just another intro chapter, more info to come! xo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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