The Day That Wasn't

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You start looking around the academy for Five. After searching the whole academy you couldn't find him. You decide to ask Klaus where he is.

"Hey Klaus, where's five?", you ask him.

"Oh uh I think he went to the mall or something with his mannequin doll thing.", he says to you.

"Okay, thanks.", you say heading towards the door exiting.

You try to find your way to the mall, you soon find it and step inside.

"Wow, these clothes are a very different style than mine.", you say quietly to yourself while walking up and down the isles and racks of clothes.

Soon you see five with his mannequin in the middle of the store.

"Sorry Deloris", he says to the doll quietly.

He turns to walk away but bumps into you, knocking you both down, him on top of you. You blush hard.

"Uh...hi.", you say.

"Hi.", he says.

You guys stay there for a few seconds dumbfounded by what just happened.

"Could you maybe-", you ask but we're cut off by Five.

"Yeah, yeah of course." He rolls off of you and stands back up. He helps you up.

"Why are you here?", he asks you.

"I was searching the whole academy for you. I must have gone around twice before I went to ask Klaus where you were. Reason being I wanted to hang out with you today."

"Oh okay, that sounds fun. What do you want to do?", he asks you smiling.

I want to do you.

"How about we go and get a bite to eat?", you say.

"Sure, how's the donut shop sound?", he asks you.

"That will be fine, they have great donuts anyway.", you say slightly laughing at the end.

You guys begin to walk out the mall before Five stops and speak to one of the employees.

"Can you give that mannequin over there something new to wear? She likes sequins.", he says as he pats the arm of the employee and walking back over to you.

You guys finally make it out the mall and to the donut shop.

"Hi there what can I get you two?", Agnes asks you and Five.

"A chocolate eclair and a small cup of (your favorite drink).", you tell her.

"Okay, and for you young man?", she asks Five.

"Coffee, black.", he says sternly.

So dominate...

"Alright, I'll be back with your food and drinks.", she says sweetly.

She brings you a chocolate eclair and (your favorite drink) along with Five's black coffee. You guys eat and drink, you actually gave Five a piece of your eclair since he asked.

"Should we head back now?", he ask you.

"Yeah, oh wait don't we need to pay?", you ask.

"What?", he says.

"Oh yeah that's right no one pays here for some reason.", you say walking out the shop with Five.

While walking to the academy people are giving you strange looks. I mean you are from an alternate universe.

You start getting uncomfortable and hang your head down low, trying to make yourself less noticeable.

You were close to the academy though which made you feel better as you can hide away in there.

As you reach the academy you run up the stairs to "your room". Five follows you.

"So, what's it like in your universe?", he asks you.

"It sucks ass, everyone is hateful towards people. The only people who like me are my family. And a few people from school."

"Damn, I'm sorry, people sound like dicks over there.", he says to you making you laugh a bit.

"Yeah, they kinda are."

"Do you have anything to do here?", you ask him.

"There's a few board games. If you want to play?", he says.

"Yeah sure why not.", you and him go out to the closet and find the hidden away board games.

Geez Reginald really didn't like the kids having fun huh?

You guys go to the kitchen table and set up monopoly.

"Shall we ask the others to play?", you ask five.

"Nah, I think it will be more fun with just us.", he says, you can hear almost a bit of suggestiveness in his voice.

I see what you're doing Five...

"Okay then I won't.", you say in response.

"What token piece you want to be?", he asks you.

"The top hat please.", you say as he hands you the top hat token.

"Alright and I'll be the car.", he says placing his token on the start, same with you.

+time skip to the end of the game brought to you by: Exquisite keys +

"DAMN IT NO! NO! NOOO!", you yell out as you're defeated.

Five starts bursting into laughter.

"DON'T LAUGH AT MY PAIN!", you yell starting to laugh with him.

"Come on, you losing is the highlight of my day!"

"YOU LITTLE-", you say as you're cut off my Pogo.

"That's quite enough yelling you two!", he says sternly.

"Sorry Pogo..", you say apologetically.

"Yeah, I'm sorry too.", Five says rolling his eyes. Pogo sighs and walks off.

"Now what do you want to do?", Five asks picking up the game.

I still wanna do you ;)

"Uh I don't know. Do you have any ideas?", you ask him.

"No not really.", he says.

"What time is it anyway?", you ask looking for a clock.

"OMG IT'S 1 AM?! HOW LONG DID WE PLAY MONOPOLY FOR?!", you ask yelling.

"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT YELLING?!" Pogo yells back.

You and Five laugh.

"Guess we should go to bed.", he says.

"Yeah. Okay.", you say as you and Five head up to your rooms.

"Goodnight Five.", you say to him as you walk into your room.

"Goodnight (y/n).", he says back.

Your dream: You're at the mall and you see five with his mannequin. You were about to say hi when he lands on top of you. You can feel your cheeks heating up.

"Uh... hi..", you say to him.

"Hi.", he says smirking. He lowers his head towards yours... and-

Back to reality:

"ARGGGHH!!", you yell out in annoyance that you, yet again, didn't get to finish your dream!

You go to the bathroom to actually take a shower today. As you were almost finished, someone barges in...

OOOOO SPICYYY WHO IS GONNA BE THE INTRUDER?? Will it be five, Luther, Klaus, Diego, Allison, or Vanya?? Hmmm guess it depends on how nice I'm gonna be next chapter ;) please vote and share with your umbrella academy addicted friends :D love you all ❤️🏳️‍🌈 until the next chapter

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