Its you!

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"Hey I'm JJ.. I'm guessing your Simen then, our new roommate" He told me happily and unsure about my name, fucking hell this is embarrassing. I looked over at Josh and Vikk for them to help me out! But all they did was to facepalm and chuckle "Uhh Simon actually.." I said feeling so embarrassed.
"Simon right, I apologize for that..." He said while taking of his shoes and jacket.

I was enjoying listening to the girl that was underneath me moan in pleasure of how good I am. I mean I don't wanna brag.. but I'm really good at this, ya know! I was pushing myself deeper till I heard my phone buzz. "Fucking hell" I mumble and push myself out of her. I could tell that she was angry for not ignoring the phone call. "Really? You know what get out" she said, and just like that i took on my clothes and walked out while giggling to myself of how much of an asshole I am.

I picked up my phone and answered it. "Yes Joshua?" I said giggling, I heard him moaning annoyedly of how annoying I am, but he loves me so I don't gotta worry about that at all! "Where the fuck are you? Why aren't you here?" He said really annoyedly, what the fuck? Where the fuck am I? Why I'm not there? WHAT?!

"May I ask what the fuck your talking about?" I asked confusedly. "Omg JJ.." He said taking a little pause "Our new roommate is here, you were suppose to be here!" Josh said. FUCK FUCK FUCK! I quickly got in my car and started it.. "Hurry up! I told you it's today JJ!" Josh said over the phone, "okay okay! I'm on my way! Don't worry!" I said rushing, "Bye!" Josh said and hung up.

I was 15 minutes away from my house till I saw Mc Donald's and thought to myself. 'You know what, I might be late but that's alright, they wouldn't mind now would they?!' I turned left and drove to the drive thru, ordering my food and paying. About 5 minutes later a nice looking female with brunette hair came up to my car and knocked gently on my car window with the sweetest smile ever, I pressed a button so the car window would go and down and I could take my bag with food.

"Here you go, enjoy your food sir!" She said with a light voice, I hate acting all nice but I did it anyways cause she's got my food, of course! "Thank you!" I replied back and took my bag with food and started eating. Holy fuck! This is better then fucking somebody! But fucking somebody is actually really good... shit, I can't tell Josh I was at Mc Donald's ... II'I just make up a lie. I looked at my watch and HOLY SHIT!! I NEED TO DRIVEEEEE!!!

Josh's POV
Fucking hell, JJ's late to everything! Like when was the last time he came IN TIME! Like the party's over meaning me and Vikk have to clean up. While Simon's about to go up the the stairs I hear the door burst open, and there he fucking was! "Your late, party's over mate" Vikk said annoyedly while cleaning up. I look at both JJ and Simon and they both look so confused and lost... should I be worried... "sorry I'm late... Fans wanted to take photos and there was a lot of traffic. But I have some work to do.. sooo.. II'I see you guys later." JJ said awkwardly, "And by work you mean watching porn while wanking to it?" I replied back to JJ, he stood there giving me a death stare while I was smirking and raising my eyebrow. "Ohhh so it is t-" before I could finish my sentence, JJ ran past Simon up the stairs yelling "Byeeee!" Ha, idiot.

Simon's POV
Well then I'm guessing he likes porn then, interesting. "II'I be on my way, see ya!" I said and ran to my room before Vikk or Josh could say anything. I got to my room and started unpacking, and wow I didn't realize till now, I have so much stuff. I decided because this is gonna take a while I might as well listen to music. I had a goal in my life and that was to try and become a musician and try to be a successful YouTuber.

Finally, after 2 hours I got done unpacking. I heard footsteps coming near my room so I was excepting it to be Josh or Vik, I collapsed on my comfy bed and felt like my brain was gonna shut off and my eyes just drifting away. Till my door opened.. 'Fucking hell' I thought to myself and sat up, It was JJ looking fresh. "You wanna come to the club? With me and the other guys" it would actually be pretty nice to go and have some fun.. but I look like a mess.. "I think I'II come later.. I need to shower and get ready" I told him and got up to grab my towel. "Then I'II wait for you, you're new around here after all" that is actually true. "Alright, I won't take long" he nodded and walked out.

I walked to my bathroom that was a part of my bedroom and took a shower for like some minutes or so, and wow I could've stayed in that shower for hours!! The waters so hot and just feeling the liquid running down my body made all of my stress go away!

I was downstairs going through Twitter till I saw a long, white figure coming down. "Looking nice" I complimented him hoping I wouldn't sound gay in any way! He gave me a cheeky smile and said "thank you, I could say the same with you, but before we go... do I maybe know you from somewhere..?"

He bite his lip and looked at me confusedly.. I feel like I know him too..then it hit me. I stood up excitedly and asked "did you go to a private school?!" He stood there looking at me shocked "YEAH!" We both gasped and yelled each other's names excitedly! At this point we were acting like girls seeing each other, Jesus! BUT ITS HIM SIMON MINTER!

Simon's POV

No smut today kiddos 😏😏

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