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                    Naruto' POV

When mom left to somewhere I looked at Gaara and Sasuke.

"Hey want to prank iruka-sensei?" I saw sasuke looked intrigued but Gaara looked nervous.

"But Y/N-Nee said to not get in trouble"
Man hes a fun killer.

"We do this all the time Gaara its okay!" I gave him a thumbs up while Sasuke nodded in agreement.

"Its alright Gaara y/n-nee isnt going to get mad"

That seemed to convince him.

"First we find Iruka-sensei!" Sasuke karate chopped my head.

"Not so loud idiot!" He whisper yelled.
Gaara laughed a little.

"Iati! Alright!" The three of us started to go to the Academy and the villagers started to glare at me.

I looked down and Sasuke,Gaara noticed.

"Ignore them Dope they're jealous that Y/N-nee loves us more than them" he said while Glaring at the villagers.

"Yeah YOUR RIGHT!" Sasuke slapped my head and whisper yelled at me to be quiet.

After some time we found Iruka sleeping on the field.

"Hehe what should we do?" I looked over at Sasuke and he was thinking while Gaara grabbed markers.

"We could draw on his Face" he held the markers out.

"Thats a great Idea we never thought of that" Sasuke looked over and reached for the blue one.

"Do you have yellow?" Gaara noded.

"Okay what colors did you guys choose? I got yellow"

"Blue"  "Red" we all noded and walked carefully towards Iruka-sensei.

"Hehe hes going to look awesome" we all started to draw or write on his face.

"Why are you drawing whiskers?" Asked Sasuke.

"So, I like it why are YOU drawing a tomato?" He blushed and kept doing what ge was doing.

"What about you Gaara whatcha drawin?" He looked up and back at Iruka.

"Oh im drawing the symbol of my village"
Thats cool!

"Okay we're done now lets wake him up and run got it?" All three of us noded and we Shoved Iruka down the hill.

"HAAHA LETS RUN!" We all started to run away from the evil Iruka.

"HAHA HE CANT CATCH US!" Yelled Sasuke.

"Haaha hes slow!" Gaara yelled while running ahead of us.

"GET BACK HERE YOU THREE!!" This is way too much fun hopefully mom doenst find out.

We hid behind the fence and he ran right past us!

"Ha the oldest trick in the book" i said smugly.

"Yes,very very old I came up with it~"

Oh no thats MOM!?

We all turned back with surprised.

"So thats a funny prank huh?" She looked so scary!

"Your punishment is going to be.... TICKLES!!" NOO NOT THAT!


After 10 mins of tickles we were tired and mom picked us up me on top of her head , sasuke on her back and Gaara in her arms.

"That was fun but its your bed time guys"

"Aww why does Gaara have to go?"
"Well yes but we can come visit this whole week since im with Gaara how does that sound?"

"Fine i guess"

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