A place to mourn [An J. L.-E. (*3.4.1927-†6.8.2010)]

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Abandoned myself to the grief
So the grief had decided
Always wearing black
The grief always returned back

The blossoms of the flowers counted the time
Here as the church chimes still were belling
It would be a long, long way to the silver throne
I would walk alone

There were no sun
So the dark night had begun
Cloudy mood followed me on the way
I was ready for the fray

Always felt weak and tired
I would never give up to seek
The silver throne-my place to mourn
To exchange grief and to be comforted

The dark tones of a death march sounded
Skeletons requested me for the dance of death
They spoke under the breath

I kept walking along the trail
While my lips still were red, they turned into pale

The area was covered in ice
The cold discomforted also the young titmice
The wings of them almost froze
I brought a white rose to my place to mourn
I knelt at the silver throne and spoke to the statue of the queen

The pain decreased and the grief still remained
I told my good-byes
Tears streamed from my eyes
I stood up and laid the white rose beside the statue
I will always miss you!

Gedenken an meine Oma!

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