You worked according to a fixed scheme,
You had fulfilled your dream,
The melody of life found you and your joy.Music was your passion,
You were a very kind person,
Your life was enriched by the music art,
People had gained you with a loving heart,
In neither case your chronicle was an easy artistic matter,
Your life was a successful development of your musical vocation.Above from the Gregorian and Baroque music,
You were the greatest,
When I was a young girl, I went to your concerts,
You were a conductor, singer, composer and organist,
In your chronicle you were immortalised by your events.When I am in the cathedral of our home country, I often think of you,
I often think when you played the organ and sang,
It seems that you played your secret melody,
You made the beautiful and tender sounds of the people hearts clang,
You were the music icon of the century,
You will always be in our memory.Gedenken an mein Patenonkel!
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