Chapter 1: Snitch

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Title: Hogwarts Mystery: Laws of Attraction

Author: tiashew14

Genre: romance and humor

Pairing: Charlie Weasley, Tiashe Danvers

Raiting: K+.

Fandom: Harry Potter, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (game)

DC: the HP universe belongs to JKR, the game is the creation of Jam City. Just wanted to add a bit of spice to the story~

Annotation: Let's take a recap of the fourth year back at Hogwarts, where everything is possible. Throw in a pinch of romance and tie it nicely with the story.

Meet Tiashe Danvers - my heroine in the HPHM game, and her love story.

My MC/Charlie Weasley side quest... err, story.

Author's note: So for a little less than a year I've been obsessed with this game - Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. I mean, is it even possible for an oldschool geek not to be? And when I'm obsessed over a fandom I write... oh, well.

The story's about my in game character - Tiashe Danvers, and her magical time at Hogwarts School of Witchcrafr and Wizardry, spiced with some fluffy romance.  Since the game doesn't offer much on the romance (recent side quest aside), especially with the canon characters like Charlie (my first game crush, sob), thus this story was born.

It was kind of hard to give life to the characters that exist in world of straightforward lines and a little choice, but I hope it turned out well.

BTW, I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts letter.

Chapter 1: Snitch

When did it start?

Charlie Weasley never knew the exact answer to that question. Stories of one falling in love are very hard to track, after all. Nevertheless, he always liked to start with that one day in September during his fourth year in Hogwarts...

"I'll be trying for quidditch team next month!" Charlie Weasley exclaimed passing the big red ball onto Jae Kim, dressed in the same Gryffindor robes. "I think this will be my lucky year! Hell, I'm sure of it!"

September this warm and sunny was such a rare sight for Hogwarts, that Gryffidor fourth years couldn't help but goof around in the Clocktower Courtyard. Next class was Herbology, close enough to make it on time if they ran all the way to the greenhouses.

"You should definitely try!" Jae gave a sleek smile and passed the ball. "I mean, with you on the team we'll definitely win the cup."

"Time to beat those Slytherins!" Another pass.

"Just imagine the look on Snape's face!"

The four of them laughed loudly, earning few annoyed looks from Ravenclaws buried noses deep in their books.

"Hey, we should totally go spy on Slytherin's tryouts!" Jae caught the quaffle again. He was actually the one who happened to find it. His friends long since gave up asking where do all of his hard-to-procure things come from, and Kim was probably intending to take all of his secret sources to his grave. "Hey, Ben, catch!"

Ben Copper was a shy boy from the same house as them, with a rather unique superpower for a Gryffindor. The startled boy dropped the books he was holding a moment ago just to catch the ball.

The guys laughed again.

"Nice, Ben!" Charlie exclaimed. "Now pass it on to me!"

Muggle-born boy probably got nervous again. Otherwise, there would definitely be no chance for him to throw quaffle that high.

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