{1} Lightning ϟ

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   I stared at my large bowl of Ramen, hunger gnawing at my stomach but my mind was somewhere else. Images of Sulli from my violin class were reminiscing in my brain; she actually smiled at me today while she was packing her violin and bow back in their case. I've never had a full conversation with her, she only talked to me when needed to and it was usually only a few words. It didn't surprise me that such a pretty girl like her didn't give a damn about me. For some reason it doesn't discourage me, I'll never give up because she is like my caffeine. A bad addiction that I can't get rid of, she keeps me going through the day knowing I will see her again in violin class the next day. She keeps me up at night with thoughts of her, longing and yearning for her to be in my arms but instead I clutch a pillow. I was snapped from my daydreams as Gikwang clambered down the stairs of our small apartment into our kitchen/dining room. He recognized the spaced look in my liquid chocolate brown eyes and sighed while leaning over the island, waving his hand in my face, "Earth to Yoseob."

        "Shut up, Hyung," I responded to defend myself and even though Gikwang is younger than me I still see him as a superior older brother so I call him Hyung. Gikwang shook his head in shame and plopped down on the stool across from mine at the island of our kitchen/living room. He offered, "Want to go to Starbucks with me?"

        I didn't leave the house much unless it was to school or to the grocery store so Gikwang tried to get me out of the house as much as he could while he was off of work. I shrugged while lifting my chopsticks up from the marble top of the island and used them to deliver some Ramen to my mouth. I chewed ravenously answering after I swallowed, "I just cooked Ramen so no thanks."

  Gikwang rolled his eyes and threw back his head in annoyance, groaning, "Tssk, you and your food Yoseob. Your hunger is never satisfied, just leave your Ramen in the fridge and you can eat it when we get back."

  "Uh no," I smartly replied, shoveling more Ramen noodles into my mouth and Gikwang glared at me. It was hard to eat while he was watching me like a hawk and in defeat I slammed down my chopsticks, "Fine but we better get home in time for Rain."

 Rain was my favorite K-Drama and I never missed one show ever. Gikwang grinned pleased that I agreed and hopped up from his chair, grabbing my bowl of Ramen and storing it in the fridge for me. I knew there was no turning back now so I rose up from my chair and hurried upstairs to change into some proper clothes. I was only in boxers and a tank top so I chose a pair of white skinny jeans that were dyed to fade into black at the bottom, a cut-off black T-shirt with a white wolf on it, a pair of white Nikes, and a black fedora from my trunk of clothing. I returned downstairs where Gikwang was waiting for me by the front door and we exited our apartment, taking the elevator to the lobby of our building and catching a taxi to deliver us to Starbucks. Gikwang and I live in New York so the streets are always bustling with people trying to hurry to their destination and we'd rather pay a cab fare then deal with struggling our way through the crowded streets.

 Once the taxi screeched to a halt in front of Starbucks, Gikwang tossed forty dollars to the cab driver and we filed out of the taxi. I noticed that dark storm clouds were collecting in the sky and I nervously said, “Hyung, maybe we should go home.”

   Gikwang bit his lip eyeing the sky as well because he knew why I was complaining, I was scared of lightning… Dark clouds meant upcoming rain and rain means possibility of lightning and my first instinct was to flee at the sound of it. Gikwang scratched his velvet red dyed hair, “The weather report said it would be cloudy but 20% chance of rain. I’m sure it won’t rain, it might clear up by the time we leave.”

  I hoped he was right and I nodded silently, Gikwang slung his arm around my shoulder playfully. We strolled into Starbucks and joined the short line of people ordering their coffee and snacks. Usually Starbucks was crammed with people but today it was slow with customers. It was Monday after all, rough day for everyone. That’s when I spotted Sulli in the corner of the café with her three best friends, Amber, Krystal, and Luna. I tried not to stare but it was hard, I’ve never seen Sulli outside of violin class before.  Her long mahogany brown hair was in a French braid resting on her right shoulder, her pink painted fingernails clutched around her vanilla bean latte, and I could overhear her high pixie laugh radiate through the Starbucks. Gikwang followed my gaze to Sulli and he laughed loudly, “Isn’t that the girl you were stalking on Twitter yesterday.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2014 ⏰

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