Part 1(Kenny Silva)

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I was sprinting as fast as I could go through the dense forest dodging cold hard tree branches I could hear the crunch of the frosted grass under my feet. It was after me so I started to speed up. I saw out of the corner of my eye the monster leaping at me. I dove to the side. I heard the crack of a tree indicating that the monster had rammed into one of the tall pine trees behind me.

I look at my surroundings and saw a crack in the side of a hill. I was hoping the beast wouldn't be able to fit in there. I launched into the air but then I felt a piercing pain in my back and I collapsed. The last I saw was the blood covering the ground around me. As I blacked out I realized that there was too much blood to just be mine I had killed the monster but at what cost? My friends weren't safe nobody was I had failed them.

Then all was black.

I woke with a start darkness all around me. Was I dead?¨ I wondered. I thought about what had happened then in front of me a glowing image appeared. It was my dead body with the monster collapsed on top of it my sword running through the beast. It was at this moment my question was answered... I was dead.

I realized where I was it was unfamiliar but I knew I was there...

The dream realm but it was not as the legends described it all was black like the night except with no stars like they were all broken. As I walked around I saw memories which I assumed belonged to other passed people. It was Kind of depressing to see all the scenes of deaths And of funerals. Some I even recognized like a grey figure leaning over my mom's body. Then unexpectedly I fell onto my knees and sobed.

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