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As it says in the description, this book is where you'll find quotes, tips, and maybe even my own words to help you writers out! I am RainbowAstraea and I'm a 14-year-old who has been writing since I was nine. I didn't even have a computer back then, so I had to write down onto paper with my chicken-scratch writing. My story was about a unicorn BTW. Each chapter took up the whole notebook paper, but my handwriting was pretty large back then and ended with a crappy drawing.

What can I say about it? It sucked. I threw it away and started again, but it was still cringey. So I gave up. Since then, until 7th grade, I only ever wrote stories due to school assignments. But even though I quit for a while, I still liked writing, even if it was for my grades.

Now, when I reached 7th grade, I started telling stories again . . . but it was telling. Not writing. My friends convinced me to write it down though, so I'll never forget, and that's when my inner writer was reborn.

So here I am, now with a Wattpad account to share my writing, and to help you to share your writing too!


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