always on the top

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Cara line is my name though I seemed to have lost my identity when ever I find myself out there in the world. Let me make this simple. here I am in secondary School, looking like a child yet to begin primary education. What's striking about me is my slim and tender body, my long legs, blue eyes that can hypnotize anyone who would care to fall for the charm, and dimples that publicize itself when ever I speak or smile. You must be gifted to resist me when that smile comes. Here I am feeling exited be in form three. Though am late for class my joy and confidence has not left me for a single moment. Now standing at the classroom door, I get a glimpse of the teacher. oh my G! it's madam Tong . What do I care? I fix a beautiful smile on my face and made my triumphant entry into class.
Tong: And where do you think you're going to?.

I stop abruptly, with a smile still visible on my face and without hesitation, I quickly said "good morning ma'am" waiting for her to unleash her Poison which is what she is well known for.

Tong: take your silly little self to the bench.

I hesitate with my smile replaced by amazement now evident on faces of everyone in class.

Tong: move it my friend.
And as if wakened from a terrific dream I made my way to my seat. And just at the same moment another student presented himself at the door of the class.
As if injected with something, madam Tong charged towards the door with anger seething from her mouth pulling the poor boy by the ears and made her way to the classroom. And then she made her point clear. Not like I expected a different behavior other than that but I felt bad for the boy who evidently was a new student. I had pictured myself in the worst case scenario before deciding to get into class few minutes ago. Now you know why we were all amazed when she asked me to take my seat. I guess I still need to figure out the logic behind this  or God was simply answering my prayers for a good day.

Hey Linda I shouted as I spotted my friend making her way to the dining shed.

Linda: hey Nicks oh my you're looking gorgeous. And it's only the first day of school yet you started making a name already?

Ah yes few seconds after the class heat.
....And you what is your name?
Still digesting what just happened, I shouted cara ma'am.
And then she thundered, is  cara a name?
Cara, Cara line ma'am.
Better. Now tell me. what topics did you treat in English Language when you were in form two?

Now smiling, I started listing them when she stopped me and asked me to write them down on the black board. I made my way to the front class when the students started giggling. I focused on the task I had at hand. When I was done, I headed back to my seat when she said that's good but tell me all the show off what's it for?
I was dumbfounded not even understanding the angle  where she was coming from.
End of flashback.

Making a name for myself? I asked Linda.
Yes na the news is all around how  you paraded to the board and some even say maybe madam Tong is your relative as she did not punish you for coming late to her class.  Some don't even know you so they are all waiting to see the girl who got away from madam Tong's troubles.  So watch out don't be surprised when you see fingers pointing at you. Now. when I call you bouncy you say hmm Linda is Linda is . Now let's watch and see if Linda will still be the one talking.

I just watched her talk.  By now I was already acquainted with little chit chats as these. So we just continued together to the dining shed.

Life felt good untill this fatefull day. By now I was already in lowersixth. We were in an Economics class when the teacher asked me to draft out a graph demonstrating a change in demand and change in quantity demanded. Mind you I have never loved this topic and so when he asked, without even trying I immediately told him I could not do it.

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