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Adrian, Nino, Alya, and Chloe were talking about the project when Marinette's limo arrived. Marinette got out of her limo and walked towards the group. "Hi, guys," she greeted. "Hi," everybody replied, even Chloe.

"Okay, Class," said Ms. Bustier, getting everyone's attention. "Adrian, Chloe, Marinette, and two friends of Marinette's choice will be in first class." A groan was heard throughout the crowd. Probably because they didn't get in first class. "I'll take Alya and Nino in first class," said Marinette. Nobody was really surprised at Marinette's choice.

Everybody went to where they were supposed to go on the plane. Marinette, Adrian, and Chloe sat together while Alya and Nino sat together. When Marinette sat down, she pulled out a book and started reading.

Ten minutes before they landed, Marinette got a text.

??? - Hey, Buttercup.

Marinette - Hi.

??? - I heard, from your brother, that you were coming to China with your class.

Marinette - Yeah, so?

??? - How come you didn't tell me? I could come with the bodyguard in the limo and could tell them how we're getting married.

Marinette - We are not getting married, Chris.

Chris - But you promised!

Marinette - We were kids!

Chris - But you never break your promises!

Marinette - I'll think about it.

Chris - Yay! You're the best, Buttercup!

Marinette - Yeah, Yeah.

The class got off the plane and outside the airport. When they got outside, they saw a limo and three people, one had blue hair, like Marinette's, another had blonde hair, and the last one was bald. Marinette ran up to the one with blue hair and squeezed him in a bone crushing hug. "Marcus!" Marinette exclaimed.

Once Marinette and Marcos finished hugging, Marinette just looked at Marcus. Then, something unexpected happened. Marinette slapped him. Marcus held his hand up to his cheek. " 那是乾什麼用的!?" he asked. (What was that for!?) "你本來應該讓他安慰別人!"(You were supposed to convince him to marry someone else!) said Marinette. "我做到了!" he replied. (I did!) "哦耶?那麼,當我在飛機上談論嫁給我時,為什麼他給我發短信。!?" she continued. (Oh yeah? Well then why did he text me while I was on the plane talking about marrying me!?)"He did?" Marcus asked, switching to English. "Yeah, he did!" said Marinette, also switching. "You know I'm still here, right?" asked the other guy.

"Yeah, we know!" replied Marinette. "You know you love me," he said. "Chris!" she exclaimed. "Sorry! You know you love me, Buttercup," he corrected. Marinette just glared at him. Marinette turned to the last person. "你必須回到城堡,馬里內特公主。你仍然需要做芭蕾舞,嘻哈,鋼琴,小提琴和繪畫課程," said the man.(You must get back to the castle, Princess Marinette. You still have to do your ballet, hip hop, piano, violin, and painting lessons.) Princess? Ballet? Hip hop? Piano? Violin? Painting? What? --thought Adrian. "但我不需要保鏢!" replied Marinette.(I don't need a bodyguard!) Bodyguard? --he thought.

"What do mean by marry someone else?" asked Adrian. Marinette looked at Adrian, then walked over to Chris. "When we were kids, I was taller than him. I told him if he was ever taller than me, then I would marry him since I didn't want to choose a man who just wants me for my wealth, which is almost every guy," said Marinette, then walked into the limo. "Alright, let's go to the hotel," said Ms. Bustier, turning to the bus that mostly everybody didn't notice arrive. The class took a seat and they drove off.

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