Chapter 1

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A/N Hi! Author here, this is my 1st fanfic. I probably won't update this too much and when I do I'll try and make the chapters 1000+ words so I hope you enjoy! This first part is set before Yuuei. Also, the word counts will not include A/N's


I was walking to my new school, my black hair covering my face, looking at my shoes. I had just moved towns, so I was anxious (more than usual). I had never really had any friends before and I didn't expect that to change anytime soon. Suddenly, I heard a yell behind me. I turned my head to see a boy with spiky, ash blonde hair, storming out of what I assumed to be his house.

I heard a woman shout from inside the house "KATSUKI YOU BRAT, COME BACK HERE AND GIVE YOUR MOTHER A KISS!"

The boy turned around, growling. Despite his obvious annoyance, he still gave his mother a kiss on the cheek before storming back out the door.
We made eye contact for a split-second before he asked, snarling, what I was looking at, to which I replied to by turning around and quickening my pace.


I stormed away from my mum growling. I looked up and made eye-contact with a boy who had black shoulder-length hair.
"What are you looking at!" I hissed.
He jumped a little, turning away quickly. As he was hurrying away I watched him with interest.

~time skip to school~

As I walked through the gates I saw deku sitting in a corner writing in that stupid diary of his.
"Fuckin quirkless wannabe," I mumbled.
The bell rang, signalling that the start of homeroom was near.
As I sat down I glared over my shoulder at Deku. He noticed my random, hate-filled glance, and looked down.

The day passed just as quickly as it had begun.

As I was walking home, I glance over at the playground that I pass on my route home and was surprised to see the black-haired kid from this morning sitting on the swing. He had a book in his lap that he was drawing in.

I stood there for a second watching him sit dejectedly before I made up my mind to go over and speak to him.

"Hey shitty hair, what ya drawing?" I asked in a bored tone

He fell off of the swing in surprise, dropping his sketchbook. I stooped down and picked it up for him, looking at the artwork. It was a black and white picture of a skull with flowers coming out of the eyes. It was extremely detailed for a middle schooler.

"Damn, this is good," I mumbled, handing it back to him.

"Uh-um, th-thank you" he stammered, quickly shoving the worn sketchbook into his bag.

We stood there for a second before I asked, "So, shitty hair, are you new in town or what?"

"Oh, um, yeah. My, dad and I just moved here." My only response to that was a grumbled "Tch"


"Well, what's your name idiot?"

"Eijiro Kirishima" I responded, glancing at him with a look that said, "and yours?"

"Katsuki Bakugou, and don't think this means we're friends!" he snapped, making me jump a bit.

"Uh-um, okay" I responded, confused.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed. He checked it then turned to me saying "I gotta get going for dinner soon. The old hag is making a roast."

"Wait, what time is it... WHAT TIME IS IT?!?!!?" I practically screamed, startling Bakugou.

"Uh, 5:48. Why-" He was interrupted by my panicked mumbling.

"Oh no oh no oh nononono he's going to kill me, I was supposed to be home at 5:30, shit shit shit-" I ran away before Bakugou could even respond.


That was weird, I thought as I watched him sprint around the corner and out of sight.


As I walked through the door I saw a note on the fridge that read:

"I've gone to the shops, be home at 6:30"

I made my way to my room, stopping by the fridge on the way and grabbing some food. Once there, I thought back to that Eijiro dude.

"Why would his dad be annoyed at him being only 15 mins late?" I wondered aloud.


I closed the door as quietly as possible, hoping that my Dad was passed out somewhere or else to hungover to care about me. Turning around as quiet as possible, the overwhelming scent of alcohol stung my nose, causing my eyes to water, and my throat to burn.

I thought I was in the clear and started making my way to my room when, without warning, I was pushed to the ground, bruising my left shoulder.

"You're late." I heard a deep, slightly slurred voice growl from the shadows.

"I, I-um, I l-lost track of, uh-um, time. Sorry." I blurted out, shaking in fear.

"Pathetic. How dare you disobey me, you're a pathetic excuse of a son. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?" I curled into a ball, preparing myself for the beating that I already knew was coming. A second later it arrived.

He grabbed an empty beer bottle and smashed it over my head. He kicked me senseless, punched me till I couldn't see straight. He grabbed a kitchen knife slashing at my chest and wrists, reopening old wounds, while also creating new ones. After he was satisfied with the amount of damage he had caused, he walked away, passing out on the couch.

I hobbled to the bathroom, trying not to get blood on the carpet and cause more of a mess. I finally made it there after what seemed like hours and grabbed some bandages, wrapping my cuts up. I didn't bother cleaning them. I really didn't care if it got infections.

After about 20 minutes, I went downstairs to clean up the mess my da- no, that I made. That took about half an hour, and when I finished, I went straight to my room and just cried.

A/N So I'm really happy with how this turned out and I hoped you enjoyed it! I'll try and update it within the next week but no promises. Also, I dont really have a set storyline at the moment, just sorta loose ideas.

Word count: 977

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