Chapter 2

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A/N The next few chapters (maybe) will be set before Yuuei soooo... enjoy!


I woke up with red, puffy eyes, and pain all over. Abruptly, all at once, the memories of the night before came flooding back like a tsunami, destroying everything in its path. I broke down crying again, scratching at my wrists and reopening old cuts.

I got up and ran to the bathroom, grabbing a blade from under the sink behind the first aid kit. I brought it up to my wrist and cut.

1 cut.

2 cuts.

6 cuts.

Other arm.

13 cuts.

17 cuts.

23 cuts.

I don't know how much time passed but after a bit, I started to feel light-headed. I looked down at my arms, dripping with my blood.

I wiped up the blood with a red towel. I might have gone a little too far. I thought, wiping up the blood from the floor. I walked over to the shower, turning it on as hot as possible. Stripping my clothes off, I stepped into the steaming hot water, embracing its comforting warmth. I felt the water run down my back, calming my nerves and soothing my cuts.

After 30 minutes, I stepped out, wrapping myself in a different towel. I looked at myself in the mirror. My ribs were sticking out and my body was scattered with scars from past instances and newer cuts from more, recent ones. I nearly threw up at the sight. I hated it. I hated how I looked. I hated how I felt. I just hated being alive.

I started sobbing uncontrollably. I fell to the floor, hands covering my eyes. As tears rolled down my face, I flung open the cabinet and grabbed my antidepressants. Tearing the lid off, I poured the contents into my hand. Without a second thought, I swallowed 2, then another 2, and another 2, until all the pills in the bottle had been swallowed. I waited for a bit, my mouth starting to go dry. Maybe it'll just take a bit to start working.

Stumbling out of the bathroom, I thought about how the great the world will be without me. I'll finally be away from him. Out of the blue, I flew my head forward and threw up on the ground. I started coughing as I choked on my own sick, face going blue.

As the room around me started to fade, I heard the door open and someone yell something at me. The figure started running towards me and just before they reached me, I fell unconscious.

- - -BAKUGOU POV- - -

I sat down at the table with my 'resting' bitch face. I couldn't stop thinking about that boy from earlier. Is he okay? He looked sad, maybe he just didn't have a good day? Yeah, that's it, he just had a bad day.

I tore a chunk of chicken off and put it on my plate, dousing it in sweet chilli sauce.

"You need to eat some salad Katsuki!"



"FINE!" I slammed my fist on the table causing my mum to growl. I just growled straight back. After dinner, I walked upstairs to my room to do homework.


I woke up in a white room and a stinging feeling in my arm. After a moment of my eyes adjusting I realised that I was in a hospital room, connected to a drip, making a repetitive drip noise. I looked around and noticed a figure slumped over in a chair.

"d-dad?" I said weakly.

Suddenly, he shot up and ran out the door, probably to get a doctor. I took that time to sit up and adjust. I seemed to be in a shared room, with about 3 other people. I was in one of the beds next to the door, so I could see the people passing outside.

I heard someone's television on the news channel, talking about some kind of political meeting. After about a minute, my dad came back in with a doctor following behind. The doctor asked me a few questions about how I was feeling then reassured my dad that I would be okay before leaving.

"I'll go home and grab some clothes for you, okay?"

I just nodded in response. as he left, I couldn't help but wonder why he was being so nice. He's just faking it, I am in a shared room, after all, he wouldn't want neighbours to hear him verbally abusing his son.

I saw the door open and 4 people walk in. A man, a woman, and 2 children.

"Katsuki, make sure your sister doesn't wander off, okay."

"Yeah fine."

I recognised him. Wait, that's the boy from the park. What's he doing here?

He turned to face me, and we made eye contact. I saw a hint of worry in his glance that quickly vanished as his little sister tugged on his sleeve, forcing him away to another bed. I wonder why he's here?

A different doctor walked in and started telling me what was going to happen.

"So, Eijiro Kirishima, attempted suicide right?"

I nodded timidly. Could he be any louder?

"Antidepressant overdose, am I right?"

I nod again, praying that Bakugou didn't hear.

- - -BAKUGOU POV- - -

"Attempted suicide right?"

My eyes widened in shock. I had been listening in to Kirishima and the doctors rather one sided conversation.

"Antidepressant overdose, am I right?"

Why would he want to do that?! Does it have something to do with his dad?

"Katsuki?" My mum said quietly.

"Oh-um, yeah" I was here visiting my cousin. He had broken his leg. Of course he did, he's an idiot.

I heard the door open and turned around to see a man carrying a bag walking over to Kirishimas bed. I noticed Kirishima tense up as the man put the bag down on the seat next to him. Was that his dad?

"Katsuki!" My mum said slightly louder than before.

"Oh, yeah sorry."

"Are you okay? You keep zoning out."

"Just peachy."

A/N so I'm really happy with how this turned out and how long it took me. I'm gonna start writing the next chapter now, so hopefully it will be out within the next week.

Word count: 1009

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