A rocky start.

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Running out of the apartment 202, Elise stumbles over a piece of rubble and slams down on her stomach. She turns onto her back and clutches her pregnant self hoping the life growing inside of her isn't injured. Looking back worriedly she speaks out loud "Where's Rory, he didn't come out after me? My baby, oh my goodness where's my love?" Risking it she runs back into the apartment, not seeing him anywhere she jogs into the bathroom to see him struggling with a walker at the window.

Being logical, instead of Elise grabbing her gun out of her back pocket she reaches for the knife in her boot and stabs the walker in the back of the head. It falls backwards almost landing on her but she moves to her left letting it slam on the floor, Rory looks relieved and wraps his arms around Elise kissing her on the forehead. "Thanks for the help El, lets get back to base." They sprint out the apartment, holding hands, not chancing walking into anymore walkers and head back to their group at base.

*How it all started*

Elise and her family are heading to the cemetery. It's her brothers anniversary today so they're paying respects, just like they've done every year since the incident happened. She walks to his tombstone and wipes the dust caught over the writing.

Alastair Rain
Was a charming young boy who lifted everyone's spirits, but others did not realise his pain. Was loved by his family and caring boyfriend.

She reads the text over and over again wishing she could've done something, could've known what he was going through but sadly it can't be changed and she lays the bouquet of tulips (his favourite flowers) on the ground. She hugs her family giving them weak smiles as they give their silent respects to the loved one buried beneath them.

Suddenly they hear screams and people running towards them, standing confused suddenly the people get closer and Elise is trampled on by hundreds of terrified families. Managing to get up and move out the way she looks at where they're coming from and see's Zombies? Walkers? With the most shocked realisation she runs with everyone else looking around for a weapon but also trying to get away as far as possible.

At the church beside the cemetery she finds an unattended shovel and grabs it for protection then runs into the building shutting then locking the door behind her. Holding the shovel tightly she scans the place and see's a boy around the same age as her with a knife, sitting in the corner worried. Then he looks at Elise and immediately stands up and backs away. "If you're bit get away from me and leave!" He spits. She glares at him before responding with "Don't assume I'm bit, I can defend myself pretty well!" Through gritted teeth.

His tone softens, he walks over to her sticking out his hand "Sorry about that, Rory." Elise shakes it and replies "Elise, so did you run in here or were you already at church before this whole thing happened?"
"Same as you, ran in here but I forgot to lock the door, I've just been chilling here for the last 20 minutes, before it I was having a walk to a family members grave. And what about you, what we're you doing before this started?" He asks straight faced.

Elise stiffens but answers anyway "I was visiting my brothers grave with my family, but I lost them while getting trampled over people running." She suddenly tears up realising that they could all be dead and that she'll never see them again. Rory hugs her, rubbing soothing motions into her back as she cry's, they sit like that for the next 10 minutes.

And that's how they met.

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