Baby Days

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Nightmare and Fredbear are cubs in this chapter. They are also twin brothers. Sorry if it's confusing,I had no other way to explain it \_(•_•)_/

Fred's P.O.V
MOM FREDBEAR WON'T GET OFF ME, Night yelled. ONLY BECAUSE YOU WON'T GIVE ME MY HAT BACK, I yelled back at him. Just then our mom came in.

Mom's P.O.V
WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE, I yelled. Night won't give me my hat back, Fred said. Night give your brother back his hat, I said calmly. Ok, Night said.

Night's P.O.V
After I gave Fred his hat he gets off my back(after an hour and a half), I walk to the kitchen to make ice cream cones for both of us. I came from the kitchen and give Fred one and I eat the other. I look at Fred and start laughing. Them he gave me a confused look.

Fred's P.O.V
What are you laughing at Night?, I asked. You *laughs* have ice cream *laughs* all over your face *continues laughing* I do?, I asked embarrassed. Yes you do, Fred, Night, said.

Night's P.O.V
I went to the kitchen to grab a towel to wipe the melted ice cream off Fred's face. When I came back, I started to wipe the melted ice cream off.

Fred's P.O.V
mmmpf Night stop it, I said irritated. Not until all of it is off, he said. Fine, I mumbled under my breath.

€€€¥¥¥Time Skip¥¥¥€€€

Night's P.O.V
As I finished wiping the ice cream off Fred's face, I noticed that he was starting to become sleepy.

Fred's P.O.V
Someone's sleepy, Night teased. No I'm not, I said tiredly. Yes you are, he said. Fine I said yawning. As soon as I said that I fell asleep.

Night's P.O.V
I picked up Fred and and carried him to our room. I put him in bed and covered him with his blanket. I crawled into bed and covered myself. Goodnight Fred, I said before falling asleep.

OH MY JESUS FUGGIN CHRIST Sorry if I haven't updated in a while I don't have any Wi-Fi and it kills me. I'll try to update more.


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