Untitled Part 1

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"I'm home anyone here?" Nic called out closing the door to her girlfriend Waverly's house. It had felt like ages since she had been here and she couldn't possibly think about anything more important than seeing the love of her life. 

Waverly ran down the stairs not being able to control her excitement about something so simple as seeing her girlfriend but it was so much more complicated than anything she had been through so far. 

"Hi babe I've missed you so much" Waverly whispered against Nicoles lips just before kissing her. Nicole immediately returned the kiss making it longer and more passionate each second Waverly temped her girlfriend by pressing her tongue gently on Nicole's lips which gave  access straight away. With their tongues dancing with one another nether of them could take their minds off each other.

This is what heaven felt like to the both of them. Just them two alone facing the world together and not keeping their hands off each other for a second. They stayed in this constant of quit moans and gasps with wandering hands for ages both of them trying to savour every minute.

This is until champ came wandering dopily down the stairs half asleep. Both of them flew themselves across the room meters apart as if nothing but friendly conversation had just been happening. 

 " hi babe , hi nic did u get my food" champ asked exited for his gluten free pizza. He then turned to waves and picked her up kissing her cheek and neck as which gave both Nicole and Waverly the same expression of  discussed yet in Nicole's there was also so much hurt and anger. 

"Yeah I got your pizza it's in one of the bags" Nicole said smiling through gritted teeth after champ had stoped smothering his unamused girlfriend. As soon as champ finished  she gave Waverly a quick hurt but innocent glance and ran upstairs to her room  

Waverly followed soon after worrying about how she would be able to calm Nicole down she knew why she was angry she had every right to be but every time she try's to talk about it Nicole avoids the conversation with sex.

" I'm sorry babe I didn't mean too it just kind of happened and please believe when I say I didn't want it to, I never want it to,  he's just so strong and it's hard to get out of it when it starts, I know that's not an excuse but pleas talk to me"

" I'm fine." Nicole says tears welling up in her eyes " it's just it's hard and I'll be fine I just need to get over it. It's not like you like him or are going out with him, he just kisses you for no reason" Waverly could sense the tone in nic's voice and she really didn't like it 

" babe just please I'm sorry I just need to figure out how to break up with him we've  been going out for 4 years. But I will. I promise" Waverly started to cry and Nicole knew she had taken it probably too far but in her defence her gf just made out with someone else and to make it worse that someone else was Champ Hardy. But as the ginger had realised she had to save er emotions and take them out at the gym that's the best was (in her mind). 

" I'm sorry babe" Nicole said right before kissing the crying Waverly trying to calm her down and stop crying. This was a very easy task for nic because of her grounded nature and smooth undertones which Waverly loved about her. Nicole pulled away for a minute to wipe the tears from Waverly's cheeks and then carried on kissing, gently pushing Waverly on the bed.

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