Untitled Part 9

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"Hello anybody home or did Wynonna forget to lock the door again" waverly almost screamed through the house. Obviously she knew both of them were here but she didn't want them to know that.

"Hey I always lock the door" Wynnona joked from her room where make out music was playing. "What are you doin babe girl schools not over until 3:10 and it's 12:00?"

"Oh well I didn't have anymore classes today bc ms Gibson is off sick and I had a free last so I thought I would come home early. What about you?" Waverly had been thinking of that excuse all the way home and she couldn't wait till she heard her  sorry excuse.

"Well Nicole was feeling sick and had a headache so she couldn't drive herself so I offered to drive her here bc i knew you two had plans after school anyway" 

Oh so she did have a pretty good excuse never mind she just has to play it cool. "Nics here is she?" Yes perfect 

"Yeah hey sorry I didn't text you but y'know it worked out in the end anyway" Nicole replied joining in in the conversation. She felt so guilty, she knew she shouldn't of done this.

All through this conversation Wynnona and Nicole had been fighting with their clothes trying desperately to get them back on. They then heard waverly coming up the stairs. This was gonna be a hard mission. Wav had gotten to wyns door and opened it terrified to what she was about to see.

All she saw was a fully clothed Nicole right before she picked her up and spun her around. Nicole did this for two reasons, one because that had been the only thing she had wanted to do all week and two Wynonna wasn't fully dressed, she still needed to put her t-shirt on and they needed to distract waverly.

Waverly didn't know what hit her. Maybe Nicole did like her and maybe they were telling the truth. As she said Chrissy did always hate her and maybe she just wanted to get underneath her skin. Nicole gently put waverly down after a subtle cough from Wynonna to say the all clear. 

"I thought you were sick"

"It's gone now must have been the coffee this morning or something"


The truth is for Wynnona it was easier to pretend to hate Nicole then to accept that what everyone says was true. She did take everything away from waverly: their dad, almost Nicole, the cool motorcycle, the popularity. So Wynnona could have anyone she wanted, she gave Nicole to her.


Real time

W: look after my sister while I'm gone okay she loves you I know that you know that and she knows that. U got it?

N: yeah of course wouldn't miss it for the world. And I love her too.

W:eww also u better. Good luck

N: u too

"Who's that?" 

"Oh just Nedley checking up on me"

"Okay" waverly snuggled even more into Nicole while she did the same. She turned her perfect jaw so she was looking at waverly. She couldn't believe how happy the little brunette made her feel.

"I love you. You know that" Nicole whispered into Waverlys ear.

"Yeah I know. I love you more though" 

"Not possible" 

With that Nicole kisses her girlfriend on her forehead and carried on watching the little mermaid. 


Hi hope this makes up for the last chapter. More wayhaught will be coming this way. If you want you can give me some ideas of what u wanna read. Thanks xx

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