Fauna's Secret

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~Fauna's POV~

I sat in photography idly listening to what Ms.Deatric was saying, but not quite all the way listening to her. I couldn't really give her my full and undivided attention, I was just too preoccupied thinking about Her. Images of Her kept fashing through my mind without my consent.

If only I could take pictures of the visions that kept flashing through my mind, I would have a ton of pieces worth hundreds of dollars that I couldn't bear to part with. She was my muse in a way. Then I really zoned out and the moment we met played bright and vivid in my mind.

~Flash Back~

"EW! Its the demon girl! Run!" One boy with dirty blonde hair screamed at me.

They all said things like that. They might be right, I mean, what other middle school kid has one blue eye and one purple on top of the purple hair. Maybe I really am a demon.

Three boys, who were probably in eighth grade, walked up to me. They all looked disgusted but amused. One was only a little taller than me with black hair and blue-green eyes. The second was taller than the first with blonde hair and brown eyes. The third was the same height as the second with dark brown hair and gray eyes.

"So you're the sixth grade demon girl that everyone's talking about", stated the one with black hair. A grim thought filled my head 'He's clearly the ring leader here. They're older so they're probably gonna beat me up instead of just making fun of  me.'

I sighed as I resigned myself to my fate and the blonde one piped up, talking to the one with black hair, "What're we gonna do with her, Max?" The one he called 'Max' smirked and scoffed, "Don't know yet Ike," he paused and looked at the one with dark brown hair, addressing him, "What do you think we should do, Chance?" 'Chance' grinned wide with malice and stated simply "Well I guess the better question is: 'How do you deal with a demon?'" The blonde one, Ike, laughed before replying "Well you exercise them of course." Max grinned and I felt sick all of a sudden; He said "Well lets exercise her then."

The next moment was a blur. Chance grabbed me by the hair and threw me to the ground. Ike dropped down to my level and grinned before punching me square in my jaw sending shooting pains through my mouth and causing me to accidentally bite my tongue. My mouth filled with the taste of copper and my vision danced. Then Max kicked me hard in the stomach making me cough and almost puke. Then they all joined in kicking and hitting me. Each blow made pain blossom anew in my body.

'Why? Why me? What did I do to deserve this punishment?' The thought echoed loud and painful in my mind. I curled up tighter in a feeble attempt to protect my vital areas, and by the time it was over it hurt to move. They all just walked away laughing and high fiving leaving me to weep quietly.

It was like that every day for weeks. They tripped me in the halls, beat me up during lunch, insulted me, made me get things for them, made me do things for them. I was just a kid. 'Why do I have to be their personal errand girl, their toy, and their little whore? Why me? Am I really such a demon that the universe has sought to make my life absolute hellish misery?' I asked myself these questions all day every day. My life? Ha! What a joke. It wasn't my life, it was theirs.

"There's our little demon," Ike cooed caressing my cheek, making my stomach twist in disgust. Max and Chance laughed behind Ike, who had effectively trapped me between him and the back of the school building. Ike roughly grabbed my chin and licked my cheek, chuckling to himself, laughing at his private joke. Max came and stood beside Ike and grinned as he rubbed his hand gently on my outer thigh whispering too sweetly "Don't even bother trying to call for help little demon, no one will hear you out here." I jerked myself away from the two boys only to have Max roughly grab my hair and pull me back into him. "Where d'you think you're going  you little bitch?" His breath felt hot and heavy and grotesque as he spoke those words to me. He bit down on my right shoulder hard making me whimper in pain. Ike licked his lips and lifted my shirt up exposing the bruises, cuts, and various scrapes on my torso. Chance made a low groaning noise from where he was standing. Bile rose in my throat and I hung my head letting my shoulder length hair cover my face so I didn't have to watch what they would do next. I stood there limply allowing the universe's punishment to fall upon me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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