Part 6

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~3rd person POV~

"Hey guys I'm home." Miss Kobayashi said opening the door, revealing her and Takiya.

"Miss Kobayashi!" Tohru exclaims enthusiastically.

"I'm here too." Says Takiya.

"Oh you brought that man here." Tohru spat out.

"Wow really feeling the love here."

"Salutations Mr. Takiya."

"Oh hey Yn, you're... enthusiastic as always."


Suddenly the door swung open to reveal a dragon.

Tohru rushes to hide the dragon by closing the door, but the damage is done and Kobayashi and Takiya both look freaked out.

"I told you to make yourself look like the picture." Tohru whispered.

A dark puff of smoke enters through the crack of the door as a well-dressed man walks in.

"This is stupid and I hate everything about it."

"Awww no need to be mr grumpy."

"You'll be the first to die."

"Hello, my name is Kobayashi, welcome to our home..."

"This is what you call a 'polite social greeting' it's a powerful spell that lets even the shyest person sound confident." Takiya explained.

"Ah! Most informative! Thank you Mr Takiya."

Suddenly another knock could be heard from the door.

Tohru opened the door only for a... well endowed... woman to walk through.

"Hi I'm Quetzalcoatl, but you can call me Lucoa, I'm so happy our Tohru's making friends."

Miss Kobayashi looks at woman's... assets before giving here a disgusted face.

"Does everyone from you world have disproportionate bodies."

The party was in full swing with almost everyone accounted for, everyone except for a certain thief girl.

"Hey Yn, where's Ericka?"

"Hmm, I dunno maybe she's still getting ready."

Just as Yn said that he could notice a blur, a very stealthy and discrete blur.

The blur rushes past the guests and makes its way to the door, only to be stopped by a hulking body.

"Ericka, get out of sneak mode and give these people their stuff back."

"Ugh fine, you never let me have fun."

"This kind of behaviour isn't appropriate in this world, go apologize."

Ericka walks back and gives all of her stolen goods back to their confused owners.

After the party ended and everyone went home, Yn and Kobayashi were left alone in the living room

"Hey Yn, why are you so stern with Ericka? Shouldn't you be extra nice to her? Y'know with her being a part of your team and everything." Kobayashi asked

"Oh that's because I'm her leader, I have to make sure my party always acts appropriately."  Yn explained

"You see, back before Ericka joined my party, she was an orphan who's parents abandoned her while the rest of her family never stepped up to adopt her."

"She was penniless, forced to steal to make a living, like most thieves start out."

"One day, I was out patrolling, when she attempted to steal from me, normally I'd report her, but I couldn't help but notice her frail body covered in rags, I couldn't live with myself if I let her go and encourage this behaviour, but reporting her would've been the end for her."

"So as any gentlemen would do, I brought the poor girl to a restaurant and fed her."

"This wouldn't be enough, she'd definitely go back to stealing if I let her go, so I recruited her into my party, this is a big no no in the kingdom, thieves are seen as the worst scum and for scum to join a royal party was really bad news."

"But why? Aren't thieves good for quick attacks and being stealthy, at least that's how they play in RPGs." Kobayashi questioned.

"Well, imagine a bank hired a known burglar."

"Oh, I never thought of it like that, but things must've been smoothed over by her helping you out."

"Only because I took responsibility for all her crimes, my reputation plummeted and I became very hated very quickly."

"Ouch, that's a little harsh, but why would you go through the trouble for one thief?"

"I suppose because I saw so much of myself in her, that frail little kid with no family, no status being taken in by a well known knight."

"You're mentir sounds like a really great person, I'd love to meet them one day."

"yeah... me too."

"Why'd you say it so weird?" Kobayashi said looking towards Yn, only to notice he fell asleep

Before Kobayashi left, she tucked Yn to sleep, looked at his face only to notice a single tear fall down his cheek.

Chapter End.

Annnnnnd done, hope y'all aren't to upset to wait this long only for a backstory for a side character, but honestly I think this was my most cinematic chapter in this book yet.


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