20 Weeks

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"Danny! I'm not asking you again! Get your sexy ass out of that bed!" Rachel hollered for the second time from the bottom of the stairs.
She was annoyed, Danny knew this was a big day for them and she'd still gone out drinking last night. Vowing not too bring it up though, she wanted nothing to ruin this day.

"Morning." The photographer said sleepily, trundling down the stairs in her shorts and strap top. "I don't know what your worried about, the scan's not till ten and it's half eight." She kissed her on the cheek and put the kettle on.

"Danny there could be traffic, or road closures or -"

"Yeah ok that's enough now, I get it. Do you want coffee?"

"Yes please, decaf. I'm going to drink mine while your in the shower."

"Really Rach? I can't even have a coffee?"

"I'll get you a coffee when we get there if you like."

"Well we'll have to do something, we'll be waiting for hours at this rate." She was teasing her but Rachel wasn't taking it playfully. "What's wrong, what have I done?"

"What time did you get in last night?" She asked against her better judgement, disappointed she couldn't keep it to herself.

"It wasn't late, late. About three, something like that. I was working."

"Drinking is not working babe." She told her as Danny passed her a coffee.

"No but it's expected. We've been through this. You do the photo shoot and then it's about entertaining the clients, keeping them happy."

"That's fine, I just don't understand why that has to include a bottle of tequila."

"Babe don't be nervous, it's going to be fine."

"I'm not nervous at all thank you very much. I don't want to be late and I don't want them to think I'm with a drunk. Now go shower, you smell like a brewery."

Following instructions begrudgingly, her head was banging and she desperately needed a caffeine hit. In the shower she tried to wash away her annoyance with Rachel and regain some sympathy. She had tried to get pregnant with her ex, Sam, after her miscarriage and had waited patiently for Danny to take this next step with her, then first round of IVF and Boom! Positive pregnancy test.

Smiling to herself, she remembered the look of shock on Rachel's face in this very bathroom as the word 'pregnant' appeared. Her fiancée had to explain that she was happy but terrified, having been pregnant once before she never stopped blaming herself for the miscarriage. They both ended up crying in the bathroom for hours.

As Danny dressed she tried to remember to give her a bit of slack, she adored her after all and she was growing their baby which meant she was entitled to a few unreasonable outbursts.

Walking down the stairs she could see Rachel sat at the table in the kitchen, nervously pulling at her fingers while bouncing her leg up and down. She was so beautiful, even in her nervous state, Danny couldn't have been more proud that she was her better half.

"Ready when you are babe."

"I've been ready for hours." She replied, standing from the table and going to collect her jacket and her bag.

"Ok then, let's roll. Final bets, boy or girl?"

"Let's just get there can we?" Rachel knew she was being standoffish with her but had given up on trying to appear normal.


Rachel drove to the hospital while Danny stared out the window in silence, she'd been trying really hard and was shot down at every avenue. As they parked outside the hospital, she made the mistake of checking her watch.

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