The Beautiful Sunset

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Rayon: *rings doorbell and says* "Rosie, are you there?

Rosie: *Runs to the door and slams it open*

Rayon: Hey Rosie, I was wondering if you wanted to go down to the beach or go get some ice cream.

Rosie: ICE CREAM!!! and then we can go to the beach. :D

Rayon : Yeah okay. *hugs Rosie then starts to walk down to the beach with Rosie following behind*

Rosie: *walks with Rayon then purposely trips him over into the sand*

Rayon: Eeep! *He squeaks as he falls over into a face full of sand*

Rosie: *Laughs loudly*

Rayon: *Shakes the sand off and gets it on Rosie*

Rosie: Hey! *runs off then comes back with a bucket of sand and tip's it all on rayon, then laughs*

Rayon: EEEEP! *shakes the sand off and getting it on Rosie again*

Rosie: *hears ice cream truck*

Rayon: Hey Rosie, there's the ice cream truck!

Rosie: ICE CREAM!!! *Pushes rayon out of the way and runs off falling over multiple times toward the ice cream truck*

Rayon: Ice cream! *chuckles while running after Rosie and starts to gain on her*

Rosie: *After getting to the ice cream truck!*

Ice-Cream Man: Hello there, What ice cream would you like from my truck!

Rosie: Ummm let me think, Rayon go first please.

Rayon: Oh okay, Uhm can I have a Double chocolate ice cream please? :D

Ice-Cream Man: Sure! and what would you like miss?

Rosie: I would like a cookies & cream Ice cream mixed with choc mint ice cream please!

Ice-Cream Man: Okay! *gives then the ice cream and says* That comes to $4.99 please.

Rosie: *looks in pockets but must have dropped the money while running on the beach*

Rayon: I'll pay for it Rosie don't worry *pays The Ice-Cream Man*

Rosie: Really? I don't need to pay you back? *while walking away with Rayon to go sit near the water*

Rayon: Nope you don't *laughs a little while licking his ice cream*

Rosie: Oh okay. *licks Rayon's Ice cream to annoy him*

Rayon: Hey! This is my ice cream! *continues to lick his ice cream*

Rosie: *licks my own ice cream while laughing at Rayon*

Rayon: *laughs* you better not lick my ice cream again Rosie!

Rosie: Hey Rayon want to try mine?

Rayon: Sure ^-^ *leans in to take a lick of Rosie's ice cream*

Rosie: *Then purposely licks his ice cream again!*

(But little did they know that a friend of Rosie's was spying on then!)

Rosie: Hey Rayon, can I say something? *while getting up*

Rayon: Sure *as he stands up as well*

Rosie: Your a FLUFFY BUTT! *while running off and laughing*

Rayon: Eeeeep! *runs after Rosie* Noo! you are!

Rosie: *turns around and runs towards Rayon then accidentally falls on top of him*

Rayon: *squeaks and blushes as Rosie is on top of him*

(Vixie: *mutters under her Breath* Oh my god, I love these guys)

Rosie: *blushes and stands up then turns to help him up*

(Vixie takes a picture without them knowing!)

(Vixie takes a picture without them knowing!)

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Rosie: Hey rayon? I have a gift for you!

Rayon: A gift? For me!

Rosie: Close your eyes!

Rayon Okay? *closes his eyes* Now what?

Rosie: *puts out a light blue collar from her back pocket and puts it around Rayon's neck softly then hugs him*

Rayon: Eeeep! What's this? *opens eye's and pulls on the collar softly*

Rosie: *grabs a leash that came with the collar and connected it to the collar and said* Now come with me!

Rayon: Eeep! Okay! *follows Rosie as he gets pulled along by the leash*

Rosie: *Pulls Rayon to a secret garden then sat on a bench, while next to a lake*

(From afar Vixie watched from the Bushes behind then)

Rayon: It's Beautiful!

Rosie: Thank you, It's just somewhere I go to get away from things.

Rayon: Yeah it looks amazing! *removes the leash from the collar*

Rosie: *leans on Rayon's lap and start to fall asleep while starting to purr*

Rayon: *softly rubs Rosie's back and purr's as he falls asleep as well*

(Vixie: *cries from joy & Happiness*)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

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