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Begin recording.

Date: January 7, 2201

Name: Nikolas Clover

I'm still alive...

    The place that I once called my home is now a place where I am no longer welcome. I may be lucky that I survived, but I rather call it a misfortune. Things have never been this bad before... Heh... That's funny... Just a couple of years ago... I said the exact same thing.

    This message should be received in the year 2090. The U.S. satellite, Wells-6, should be in Earth's orbit by that point in time. This entire message will be translated from my voice and into Morse code. I'm sure this will be one hell of a long list of dots and dashes. I already feel sorry for the poor bastard that's going to translate my message. However, if this message comes any sooner through some other means, then... I suggest to watch the skies and be prepared for anything. Take that as my warning.

    I should probably tell you who I am, although I don't know what good that'll do for us. You can just consider me as a stranger or merely a work of fiction. You could even think of me as a nobody. As long as you're not associating yourself with me, then that's fine.

The point of this message is not to fix our present, but instead, it's to rewrite history entirely. I'm sure you've heard the dangers of messing with time and that even the smallest of changes could have catastrophic consequences. Although that may all be true, I've finally decided that I would prefer to take that risk. In case the stories of messing with time are correct, then I suppose my timeline will cease to exist. I guess I really would be a fictional character by that point.

Many years ago, before I was born, an alien race known as the Resinix arrived on our planet. The best way to describe the Resinix is to imagine a humanoid reptilian creature. Their rough skin is typically gray or purple at times. Some even have a reddish or bluish tint to their skin. Although their skin is rough, they are still able to grow hair like mammals. Their faces closely resemble ours except their foreheads form into a crown-like shape and have holes for nostrils. Some of the Resinix even have horns growing from their jaw or on top of their heads. As for their eyes, they lack any distinction from the iris to the sclera. Their eyes are entirely one color that can range from orange to green to yellow to purple. They shine like large headlights and can easily be seen through the thickest fog.

The Resinix are also massive creatures. The males can be eight to ten feet tall while the females can be seven to nine feet. Most of the men's bodies are enormous compared to the women thus much stronger and a lot slower. However, since the females are much slimmer, they can scale tall objects within seconds and run as fast as forty miles per hour.

It was the year 2115 when they first made contact.

They claim that they arrived on our planet in search of other intelligent beings to share knowledge with one another and to create a long-lasting intergalactic friendship. Although some speculate their true motives, it was apparent to those who witness their arrival that they came in peace. The Resinix leader, Commander Velan, met with many leaders of the world and developed a stable relationship with us over time. The Resinix were already familiar with our different languages and cultures because of decades of surveillance from the depths of space.

Due to the ease of communication, they were able to teach us and help us advance further in science and technology. We'd never possessed so much knowledge of our universe or even of ourselves before they came to our planet. In return, we allowed them to live among us. We owed them so much, yet they continued to give us so much more. After ten years of peace, we finally considered them to be our 'Intergalactic Neighbors,' but not everyone was keen on our expanding neighborhood.

People began to fear that they may threaten our very existence. It didn't help that the Resinix were also very secretive. They wouldn't even tell us their home galaxy. As a result, some people threatened the Resinix, and some even went as far as attacking them out of fear. Most of the leaders of the world denounced these attacks, but some were in support of these fearful actions. This caused a growing division within the world leaders. However, Commander Velan made sure not a single member of the Resinix attacked another human, despite our violent tendencies against her kind. She knew their potential, but she refused to let her people act on such a task. Instead, she followed along with the human leaders who supported her and denounced the people who were causing harm. She was a believer of peace, and she made sure her people followed behind her.

We took this for granted.

Many people continued to defend the Resinix, but the opposition only grew more and more. They treated them as the snake in our society, but the Resinix continue to ignore our human arrogance. By the year 2130, we began to split into different groups. One called themselves the Advors. They were against the idea of the Resinix living alongside us. They saw them as too powerful and feared that we will one day be under their rule. The other group called themselves the Proditors. A group that supported the Resinix and believed that we had nothing to fear. Many protests broke out between the two groups.

It wasn't until the first Resinix death that truly altered life on Earth. The year was 2135; the 20th anniversary of when the Resinix made contact on Earth. Commander Velan stood on stage with the other world leaders. She walked up to the microphone to speak to the mixed crowd of humans and Resinix. Before a single word came out of her mouth, the sound of two gunshots echoed inside the building. And within seconds, she collapsed to the ground as everyone in the room quickly scattered. Resinix soldiers scurried on stage and took Commander Velan into their ship outside. Days later, it was revealed that she was killed by two bullets made of an orange metal called Jarlt. This metal can withstand an outstanding amount of pressure as well as store an insanely high amount of heat and electric energy. This metal is obviously stronger and denser than any metal we have on Earth and was brought to us as a gift, so, of course, we found a way to make it into a weapon.

Neither the Advors nor the Proditors claimed that they killed Commander Velan, but the Resinix knew that only the Advors would commit such a deed. The new Resinix leader, Commander Ravana, took the role as leader of the Resinix in the year 2136 and announced war against the Advors. The Proditors were against Ravana's plans, but soon they would be dictated by the new violent leader. Many people can still recall the first time they heard the screeching of a SkyWatcher, a Resinix fighter ship, piercing through the sky, but now the sound has become too common. The SkyWatchers would be deployed from the main vessel that we now call the Black Cloud. The massive aircraft would consume the sky, blocking out the sun from the people below.

Many people gave in to the Resinix and became Proditors, but those who were willing to fight would find themselves as members of the Advors. It soon became a World War. The Resinix and Proditors fought against Advors across the planet and time, and time again, it was the Advors who suffered from significant defeats. Yet they continued to push forward even though the odds were clearly stacked against them. They eventually sought refuge in the harsher climates, but many believe the majority of the Advors in the Eastern hemisphere died in the great massacre of 2140. There hasn't been any communication with them since. The only known Advors left, remain hidden in the Amazon Rainforest. The Resinix knew the danger of destroying the whole rainforest, so they choose to let the Advors remain hidden.

In 2199, my family and I were forced to move to a small Proditor town called Salento in Colombia, located just off the edge of the Amazon Rainforest. I was only eighteen years old. I barely understood the planet I called home, yet I knew I was about to be tossed into the evergrowing chaos of this universe.

I'm sure it's obvious to see the mistakes we have made as humans. I have no definitive answer for how you can prevent this from happening again so I will leave that up to you to decide. I know this is insane, and I know you have no reason to trust me, but I wouldn't be making this message if I didn't think there's a chance for someone to prevent this from happening. Nonetheless, it's your choice.

You can close this transmission right now and worry about the future when it happens. I'm sure we did the same thing with many other topics, but before you close this just understand that you are choosing to surrender before the fight has even begun. Be grateful that you at least have the luxury of choice. I never once thought decision-making was a real luxury, but when you wake up after being unconscious for two years on a floating piece of scrap metal just to find out that you are no longer welcome to your own planet; then you wonder what else can be taken from you...

End recording.

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