Chapter 11: An Eye for an Eye

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"I trusted you! I trusted you, you son of a bitch! We've worked together for so long! From city to city!" She exclaimed.

Nikos glared at her with pure anger in his eyes and fists clenched.

"Say something!" She yelled.

"What the hell do you want me to say?!"

"Tell me why!"

"Why what?! I've been an Advor all my life! I couldn't tell you that even if I wanted to! You'll just turn me in like any other Proditor!" He yelled.

"You're a traitor..." She murmured under her voice.

"Iris, there's nothing to gain here in Salento! We're not free. We're only servants to the Resinix. We even said it ourselves. We're just a bunch of stupid obedient poodles." Nikos said as he calmed down.

"You're just a traitor! Everyone was right about you!" Iris yelled.

Nikos was just about to speak until she pulled a small box out of her pocket that glowed red.

"Where did you-" He said as he stared at the box.

"A present for your mom, huh? What else have you lied about? Did you really even care about me? Were we really friends? Who the hell even are you?" She asked.

Nikos didn't say a single word.

"Major Pherra sent me a special letter telling me to keep an eye on you. That was my mission. She told me that everything about you is a lie. I didn't want to believe her, but she couldn't have been more right... I knew one day I would have to take an Advor to Sector 10, but never in a million years would I have guessed that it would have been the person that I fell..." She stopped herself and stared at him coldly.

Her lips quivered for a moment as a single tear ran down her face. She tightened her hand around the gun. Her lips straighten, and her teeth began to show in anger.

"It doesn't matter. I should have known better..."

Nikos took a small step forward.

"DON'T MOVE OR I WILL SHOOT!" She yelled. "This isn't any normal type of a gun! It's Coroleum! This stuff will-"

Nikos interrupted her, "I know damn well what it is! But you stopped me from leaving this shit hole! And you put my family in danger! And now you want me just to stand here and take it?!" Nikos exclaimed.

Suddenly there was a loud explosion off in the distance. Iris and Nikos looked up towards the sound. The dark cloudy sky was then filled with SkyWatchers heading back towards Salento. Nikos blood began to boil as his the pupils in his eyes dilated.

"You and everyone else had it coming..." Iris murmured.

Nikos pulled out his switchblade with his left hand and ran towards her as he used his right arm as a shield. She quickly turned around and fired the Coroleum gun instantly. His right hand was covered entirely in the destructive tar residue, yet he managed to slice through her Proditor suit and into her torso. Then with one final push, he knocked her down to the ground. Iris was winded as her back landed on top of a root from a nearby tree. She let go of the Coroleum gun and grabbed on to her stomach as crimson red blood steadily seeped out of her clothing.

Nikos slowly walked towards the gun, but with just one step, he collapsed to the floor. He placed his switchblade down and held onto his right wrist and screamed in torment. The Coroleum began eating through his skin as it started its journey towards the nerves on his hand. He looked at the parasite as it sluggishly made its way towards his arm, but then suddenly stopping at the CloverWatch. His hand soon began to feel paralyzed as the Coroleum stayed in place, ripping through his skin one cell at a time. Nikos gently got to his knees and picked up his switchblade from off the floor. He hid it behind his back as he watched Iris slowly rise from the ground with her Coroleum weapon.

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