Chapter 8

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(Y/n) stood there in shock at Alice's statement.

"You're what?" she asked, unable to believe that Alice was actually dating Lucas.

"Lucas and I are together," she repeated.

"No- I heard you the first time. Why are you dating that-"

"Arrogant, cold, heartless man?" Alice says, cutting the girl off. (Y/n) nods in response. "He's not that bad when you get to know him. It turns out he's actually pretty sweet, kind, smart, and romantic."

(Y/n) paused. "Are you sure we're talking about the same person?" Alice chuckled and nodded. The (e/c)-eyed girl sighed in response.

"How'd he ask you out?" she questioned.

"Well, after you went off with Mason, he asked me to meet him in the chemistry classroom. When I got there, there were flower petals on the ground outside the door," Alice's face started to practically sparkle with happiness. "When I opened the door, there he was with his hands behind his back. That's when he said, 'Alice, even though we haven't known each other for long, you have shown me just how amazing you are. You're kind and caring, always putting others before yourself. We have so many things in common, and you make me feel as though I've known you for my whole life. Alice, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?' My face was bright red, and I just..."

The blonde had to take a moment to catch her breath. With every word she spoke, her voice was getting higher and she was speaking faster. There was a dreamy look on her face. It was hard to believe that this was the same girl who challenged Mason to a pizza eating contest purely because he said that there was no way someone as thin as her could eat a whole pizza by herself. She had won by eating two whole pizzas, while Mason had only eaten half a pizza. Alice later sent him flying into a pool by kicking him in the back. He had a bruise on his back for a few days after that. (Y/n) shook her head, pulling her back to the conversation with her friend.

"From behind his back, he pulled out the best present ever!" Alice said, adding a dramatic pause. "He had adopted Chester for me! He cleared it with my parents and everything! I'm not sure how he managed to contact them, though, seeing as how they are away on business... Anyways! Apparently they thought it'd be good for me to have someone nearby to rely on with how often they're away."

"Wait, so you now have Chester?" (Y/n) asked, growing slightly excited at the fact that one of her best friends now owned the kitten that they both loved. Alice nodded her head.

"Lucas said that he'd help me take care of him, which will be nice because I'll get to spend more time with him."

(Y/n) was happy for her friend, despite the fact that she didn't care too much for Lucas. Her friend is happy, and that's what matters. If things got out of hand between the couple, then (Y/n) wasn't afraid to talk to her. She knew that Alice never had much luck with guys in the past due to the fact that she was constantly expected to live up to the stereotype that blondes carried - fun-loving and the life of the party. (Y/n) just hoped that Lucas would care for Alice for who she is and not for who she expects him to be.

"Shall we go spend some time with the cats?" Alice asked the girl. "We recently got a new batch of kittens in. My favorite is named Coda. He's all black and his entire litter was named after music things." (Y/n) nodded. Together, she and Alice made their way back to the kitten room.

"So how are things with Jay and Mason?" Alice asked her.

"What do you mean?" (Y/n) questioned.

"Don't act like I don't know, (Y/n). You're one of my best friends."

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