Chapter 22

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Momo POV
I was eating tteokbokki with Sana at a little stall in the streets of Seoul and started scrolling through social media, until I saw Tzuyu posted a picture of Her and Jihyo-unnie, meaning they were in good terms already and I honestly felt relieved that the drama between them was over, But I also thought about Sana, what would she think?

"Hey Sana.." I called her and fake a cough to call her attention and she turned to me with her mouth stuffed with food, "Ne??" she looked at me with curious eyes. I showed her the picture and I saw her face frown with sadness.

"I- I-" She stuttered and held back her tears, I felt bad but also thought that she was a third-party so what would she expect? And from the start, It was obvious that Tzuyu still loved Jihyo even if she was having an affair with Sana.

And at the same exact time, my phone rang, Dahyun was calling me. I gulped and felt nervous and I didn't know why. Without hesitation, I answered right away to hear her voice cracking and I knew right away she needed company. "I'll meet you right now. I'm with Sana so I have no choice to bring her along. Is that okay?" I asked, and she just hummed in response.

"Hold your tears first, We're gonna meet Dahyun.." I looked at Sana, She nodded and gave me a reassuring smile acting like nothing happened at all, but I knew deep inside that she was hurt.

We walked to the park that Dahyun said she was at as fast as we can since it was unexpectedly close to the stall we were eating at, Then there she was, sitting on the grass staring at the ground and obviously had puffy eyes even tho she tried to hide it.

"Dahyun-ah!" Sana shouted and hugged Dahyun right away, leaving her speechless. As always, Sana always gets things before me, and I can't do anything about it cause she's better at everything.

But surprisingly, Dahyun avoided Sana's hug and ran to me instead, leaving me in shock. "Momo-unnie!" She shouted and hugged me tightly. "Are you okay? What happened?" I asked her giving her a concerned look as we all sat down, including Sana that looks disappointed.

"I don't know.. I just feel so lonely that I needed some company" Dahyun responded while her voice was shaking.

"Aaahh.. Its okay, We're here now.." I smiled widely at her. "Cheer up!" Sana added up that made her smile even more.

"Sorry for bothering you guys.. I didn't mean to waste your time." Dahyun said as she frowned and lower her head to hide her face.

"Come on Dahyuniee~, Just open up, We'll listen to you and we'll stay by your side when you need us!" Sana then then placed her hand at Dahyun's shoulder that made me a bit jealous but I decided to act normal instead.

Dahyun POV
"I don't know.. I just feel so lonely, I don't feel like myself anymore.." I let out a big sigh and leaned my head to Momo's shoulder. "Eh? Wae?" Momo asked with a high pitched voice and a face as red as a tomato.

"I meeean, All of my friends and almost everyone i know has a romantic someone in their life," I let out a sigh and clicked my tounge. "And I honestly just feel envious since i can't even find a person who can look at myself and love me for who I am." I opened up and let out a fake laugh.

"Do you get me?" I asked and looked at Sana and Momo to them nodding their heads as a response.

"Well, Maybe your special someone is still out there somewhere and you both haven't found each other yet." Sana tapped my shoulder and showed a soft smile. "You just have to wait Dahyun-ah, Trust yourself and give yourself time. Maybe now is not the right time for you to meet that someone but you'll eventually get to feel the love you deserve!"

"Yeah! But for now, you have us. Cheer up okay? We love you!" Momo said cheerfully and went straight for a big hug. "Hey! I want to join tooo!" Sana said and hugged both of us tightly.

I let out a soft laugh and looked at Sana and Momo, "I'm so lucky to have both of you, Thank you.." I said as i smiled widely.

"Anywaaay, Do you want to go eat somewhereee? I'm quite hungry." Momo said showing aegyo and rubbing her tummy. "You're always hungry!" Sana said laughing and hitting Momo.

"Oh come on!" Momo replied giving her 'annoyed face'. I laughed and we continued strolling around Seoul's streets filled with different food stalls and restaurants.

"Momoring!" said a man's voice from our back.
We turned around to see a man from Momo's past.

"H-Heechul!" Momo replied in shock and came running to his arms.

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