chapter 1: an eventful school day

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In an alternative universe where part 6 never ended the way it did, Pucci never reset the universe and everyone survived, the Joestar blood
line continued, eventually Josuke had a grandson, his name was Izuku Midoriya who, despite being born into a family of stand users, midoriya was never exposed to the existence of stands, until, he met a lad named (Y/N) (L/N)

Izuku's POV:

It was just another day at school, it was a few months before the end of the school year, we were middle school students going to high school next year so everyone was exited and nervous. in class we were being paired with each other in groups of 2 for a class assignment, the teacher wrote on the chalk bord of whose paired with who

I was shock to be paired with (Y/N), not that I disliked him, its that he was always 'that kid' he was lacking in the social skills department and always found people puzzling, I would be embarrassed to be seen by him


It was lunch time and (Y/N) walked over to me to start work at lunch

(Y/N): hey Midoriya.

Izuku: oh-um hi?

He seemed to be dead inside, not that he seemed depressed, it was like he was a robot that couldn't feel emotion, he was always kind of like the logical kid of the class

(Y/N): let's grab the rubric and get to work, I'll be at my locker grabbing my lunch bag, met you in the cafeteria in approximately 10 minutes, I'll be at what they call "the nerd table"

With that said he walked out and to his locker outside the class, out of all the students I was paired with the weird kid.
I fallowed him to the cafeteria and caught up to him to chat
He was walking with his hands in his pockets while slouched over with his face forward

Izuku: HEY (Y/N), wait up!

(Y/N) stopped and looked over and saw me running over and then walking normally when I got to his side

Izuku: soooooo, why the nerd table?

(Y/N): because almost nobody sits around it, for me its peace and quiet just the way I like it

Knowing (Y/N) he never really liked people, he has no friends as far as he knew but thats undoubtedly by choice

He got to the nerd table and we began eating while (Y/N) was half eating spaghetti from his Thermos and half researching for the assignment on his cell phone. (Y/N) even sits weird, instead of sitting on his butt, he sat in his feet in a crouching position (think L from death note) another person came over to eat with us which boggled me,

???: hey (Y/N)!

(Y/N) looked over and hand waved the student over

(Y/N): ah, Izuku, meet a friend of mine, his name is Shoto Todoroki, Todoroki meet Izuku Midoriya

Izuku: friend? I didn't know you had a friend? I always thought you didn't like other people

(Y/N): no. what makes you think that?

I then inhaled while lifting my index finger but then decided on not saying anything

Izuku: so um..... Nice to meet you.

I then shook Shoto's hand and asked how he was

Shoto: good, I guess

I then reached in to his bag and pulled out a comic book and started reading,

(Y/N): ahem, *looks at the assignment rubric and their notebooks*

Izuku was too into his comic to care about the assignment right now

After a few minutes (Y/N) flipped my comic to the cover while leaving his finger on my page so I don't loose it

"All might: all for one and one for all" "written and illustrated by Yagi Toshinori"

(Y/N): so you like all might.

Izuku: yeah

(Y/N): hm

(Y/N) then started looking at his hair for a few seconds, as I was about to ask him what he was doing he pushed my face Down to the table as an apple graced the back of my neck and hit the wall, someone threw an apple at me and (Y/N) ducked my head so I won't get hit

I looked behind me and I saw Kacchan
Was the one to throw the apple,

Izuku: *sigh* what do you want?

Katsuki: well nerd, I came to say hello,

(Y/N): you wanna leave us alone so we can study?

Katsuki: no, not really

(Y/N): what ever it is that you want with him you can get it later, right now we're busy

No ones POV

(Y/N) summoned 『King Crimson』to punch Katsuki to get him to go away but then the unexpected happened, Katsuki has a stand as well, which he summoned in response to king crimsons attack

Inner Katsuki, inner (Y/N) and inner Shoto: HE'S A STAND USER!?!?

As non stand users can't see stands this left Midoriya extremely confused as to what they were awing at but continued to read his all might comic, not being fazed by what just happened

Katsuki: well, anyway, see you later you autistic retard

(Y/N):actually, correction, to be more precise I have Aspergers.

Katsuki: *tch* you know what I mean *walks away*

(Y/N) then whispered to Todoroki saying "who knew that there was another stand user at this school besides us two"

Time skip, end of the school day

Izuku was looking for (Y/N) to walk home with but he already left so he walked home by himself, but while walking down a street he heard (Y/N)'s voice down an ally way so he went to investigate, when he went Down the ally he heard another person was with him, he could make out who was there by the sound of their voices, he heard (Y/N) and Todoroki having a conversation

(Y/N): who knew that there was another stand user

Shoto: I don't know, as far as I know theres you, me, Fumikage, and Santana, other then us 4 nobody with stands are in this town, but there have been bizarre reports of super natural activity around here so it must be the work of stand users

(Y/N): do you think someone might have the arrow? The stand arrow, and granting people around?

Shoto: that is a possibility, yes, we'll have to tell the other 2 to keep their guard up

Midoriya was confused as fuck

Inner izuku: what is going on? What's a stand? What's a stand user? What's a stand arrow? Should I ask them? No, then it would look like I was snooping and I don't want them to hate me

Izuku then decided to continue his walk home with theories and hypothesis's clouding his mind

A few days later

Midoriya was still confused, have hundreds of thousands of rationalities and explanations in his head but it was not satisfying unless he knew the truth, so he decided to ask (Y/N) when he was walking home,
While walking home he found (Y/N) and decided to walk together.

Izuku: hey! Wait up!

(Y/N): hello

The rest of the walk was silent, Midoriya was waiting for the right time to ask while concocting a way to ask him

Izuku: can I ask you something?...... (Y/N)?

(Y/N) was looking at his hair again, and was completely ignoring Midoriya and everything around him and then stopped walking


Midoriya then looked behind him and saw nothing worth freaking out over but then saw a shadowy figure with a white cloak and a bow and arrow, but before he could react, Midoriya was hit with the stand arrow

<------to be continued

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