Day Two: Misunderstandings

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I wake up from my mental clock and it is still dark outside. I look over to see Little Feet still sleeping. Ignoring them, I turn of my desk lamp and got ready for my morning routine of exercise. I wear my black sleeveless t-shirt with black loose shorts and sneakers. I start with stretches and warm ups which I then start my lean muscle exercise. When it is time for my run, I walk over to the kid to wake them up. "Hey, wake up. I'm not breaking my routine just because you're here," I shake them awake.

They get up slowly rubbing their eyes. "What time is it," the kid asks.

"Time to get up," I say and walk away to put on my jacket. I look back at Little Feet and see them starting to get ready. "You moving too slow. Move like you have somewhere to be."

After I say that, they start to move faster and they put on a red shirt with jeaned shorts. When they put on their shoes, they look at me with their big, round, (e/c) eyes. I grit my teeth. "You don't know how to tie your own shoes," I say more than ask. The kid shake their head. I click my tongue and walk over to them to tie their shoes. "I'm only going to do this once so you better pay attention and shove this in that brain of yours."

"O-okay," they stutter. I show them the trick of tying their shoes and once I am done, we leave for my run. I end up having to carry them on my shoulders so I will not have to stop every time the kid falls behind. It isn't a problem since the extra weight can still be of use. The kid starts to laugh. "What are you laughing for?"

"This is fun," they reply.

"You think this is fun, I'll show you how fast I can go." I speed up. By the end of my run, I have already made fifteen laps around the field and is heading back to the room I have to stay in with the kid. Little Feet seems to be enjoying themselves. "Let's do it again," they were chanting.

"No, I still got class." I notice the kid pout and then they change it.


I head into the bathroom in the room with my school uniform while the kid is sitting on the floor playing with their toys. "You better clean up when you don't hear the water running," I tell them before closing the door behind me. I can tell the kid is getting use to me and they seem to be less nervous.

When I am done with my shower and putting on my uniform, I come and see Little Feet cleaning up their toys with books in hand. We leave the room to head to class. The kid is still slow in following me. "Um... Bakugou," the kid say.

"What," I reply looking at them. I see them squeezing their fingers together and looking down. They pause and look up at me. "C-can I hold y-your hand," they ask.

The question catches me off guard. "Wh-what, no." Did I just stutter?! I begin to feel irritated and march off.

"W-wait, Bakugou! I-I'm sorry. I- oof"

Suddenly, I feel pain on my head, knee, and hands. I look behind me and see that the kid has fell and they even have tears coming out of their eyes. Annoying. This whole situation is so annoying. We're link to the point that we can feel each other's pain. Today is suppose to be hero training with B class again. I let out a frustrated scream. I pick the kid up and carry them to the nurse's office.

I slam the door open and drop the kid on the bed. "They fell," I state before leaving out the room. I stood outside since I couldn't leave. This 'Link' quirk is annoying and it should just die. "Bakugou," a voice calls out to me. I turn my head to see Kirishima coming my way. "Why are you in front of Recovery Girl's office?"

"The kid fell when we were coming here a-"

"Don't tell me you barged off angry and (y/n) tried following you and fell," Kirishima says spot on. I just click my tongue.

"Bakugou that isn't very manly. Don't you think the (y/n) is already nervous being without their parents. For all we know they can be putting on a brave front so that they aren't a bother."

"I wasn't mad at them," I say clicking my tongue. When did Kirishima get some kind of knowledge on kids. I let out a grunt. "It's this damn quirk that irritates me."

"You should let them kno-"

The door to the nurse's office opens suddenly. "Y-you're n-not mad at me," Little Feet asks. They look at me with their big eyes and I turn away not able to look at them. "Of course. I'm not mad at you. If you're done, lets get to class," I say walking off. I hear giggles coming from the kid.

"Hold on Bakugou, I need to talk to you," Recovery Girl says. Kirishima heads off to class while I go into her office. The kid waits outside. When I am inside, she gets straight to the point. "Bakugou, (y/n) is young and your behavior around them can be misleading. I too heard what you said but things like that can't happen. They way a child is treated during their youth can affect their future. Just treat them with care, okay."

"I know," I say in a low voice.

"Also, I wanted to know if you were affected by (y/n) getting hurt."

"Yeah. Where they got injured, I felt the pain in those parts of my body."

"I see. Okay you can go to class now," she says and I leave the room. Little Feet stands up and walks behind me. I look at the kid who have their hands clasp together. "You can hold my hand so you can keep up."

I hear a gasp from them then a giggle. Soon I feel their small hand wrap around two of my fingers. They then start to swing our hand back and forth. I just ignore it for the time being. "You have to let go when we get to the classroom, got it."

"Hai," they say cheerfully.

"You are listening?"


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