Chapter 5

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Several hours had passed since Mike had gotten home. He, his father and his grandma had eaten the most silent and sombre dinner ever-eaten in their house – the memory of Mike's grandpa floating through their minds. Now, Edward stood alone with his mother, by the fireplace, pacing. "Edward, he didn't say anything when I asked him," his mother said. Her son looked at her incredulously.

"Well of course he didn't! How do you think you'd react if you could see the future?" Edward responded, clearly worried. His mother rolled her eyes at him.

"Edward, I can create and control soundwaves – how do you think I'd react to having another power?" His mother countered – trying to get him to calm down.

"Mother! Will you please take this seriously?" Edward snapped, running his hands through his hair in frustration. He continued to pace the room excessively.

"Edward, maybe he didn't get his powers back – maybe they haven't found him yet?" His mother suggested. Edward shook his head.

"His so called 'hiccup' in the car looked a lot like how Great Aunt May looked when she got visions, plus, I saw that car – there's no way a normal person could survive that impact with just a few bruises," Edward insisted, "if his high resistance is back then so are his active powers – and God knows how many powers he has now since they've been allowed to grow for thirteen years,".

Edward's mother let out a sigh of defeat – her son was right – Mike had his powers back and there was no way to strip them from him – again. "Edward," his mother said calmly, "we all knew this day might come eventually – except we'd hoped it would be on our own terms – why are you so afraid?".

"Mom, there is a reason why the Morphrial community stays in hiding from the public," Edward said, looking his mother in the eye "the Council knew what the normal humans would do if they found out we exist – that's why they struck a deal with the Governments of the world to ensure our safety centuries ago– how do I introduce Mike to all that? How do I tell him about those out there who will stop at nothing to kill him for his powers?" he asked with concern.

"Well – Edward – this is why your father was against stripping Mike of his powers in the first place! We told you he needed to grow up with them to get used to our world – you didn't listen!" His mother said, finally snapping at him.

"I just wanted him to have a normal childhood!" Edward hissed through gritted teeth.

"There are plenty of Morphrials out there living normal lives – you had a normal childhood!" His mother argued back.

"That was a simpler time Mom – I knew that the world was going to become noisier – crazier – that's why it's become so difficult for us to hide in recent years," Edward countered "Look what happened to Jack!". His mother looked away – hurt by the mention of her other grandson.

"You don't know that it was his powers that made him disappear," His mother replied. Edward raised his eyebrows at her.

"Mom, I have been going over this case for thirteen years – all the evidence suggests that he was taken and possibly killed for his powers – like it or not – it's the truth," Edward said flatly.

"Well – there is no reason to be worried yet – and when there is, Mike is sensible enough to tell you – we just need to keep an eye on him and let him tell us in his own time," His mother said. Edward sighed. She was right – there was no forcing Mike to tell them. They'd just have to wait.

"Alright Mom," he said, defeated, he offered his arm out to her. "Want a lift home?" he asked. His mother smiled at him.

"Well that's how I got here," his mother replied. Edward smiled at his mother as she took his arm.

And with that, they disappeared in a spiral of red and purple particles.

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