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[jeongguk's p.o.v - 7:49am]

jeongguk sighed softly as he shut his phone after reading most of the comments from yesterday night. he was stressed, hurt, tired and all the negative emotions. he scrunched his nose and hummed as he rolled off his hotel bed and squeaked as he landed on the floor. he sighed and sat up with his messy hair before he hummed and got up, grabbing a towel and fresh new clothes before heading into the bathroom, humming to himself softly. he entered the bathroom and placed his towel and clothes upon the handle and slipped his clothes off, placing them to the side before he entered the shower, shutting the shower door.

he hummed as he turned the water on, squealing as he flinched at how cold it was. he huffed and changed the water to warm as he began wetting his body. he sighed in content as the warm water ran down his body. he turned the shower off and grabbed a bottle of soap, humming as he began applying the soap on his body and arms etc. he hummed and kept rubbing as he placed the soap bottle on the side. he then turned the water back on and washed the soap off his body. he then grabbed the shampoo, turning the water off before pouring some shampoo onto his hands and putting the shampoo back.

he then began massaging the shampoo into his hair and scalp as he hummed in content. he smiled a bit and rinsed his hair off and he was finally finished with his shower. he opened the door and grabbed the towel, drying his hair first as he rubbed it. then he dried his body before wrapping the towel around his waist. he then stepped out the shower and wiped his feet before shutting the door to the shower and grabbed his clothes before slipping them on. he then exited the bathroom, not forgetting to take his old clothes. he placed them on the bed, neatly folded before he wore his shoes and grabbed a few things he needed and exited his hotel room.

jeongguk checked the time as he noticed it was already 8:15. his eyes widened as he rushed to the elevator and entered, pressing the ground floor button before he waited a few seconds before it arrived. he exited the elevator and began running through the reception of the hotel and exited the hotel as he spotted the van. he knew he was late but, jimin was always late so eh. he opened the door and smiled apologetically before he hopped in. he internally groaned seeing the only seat that remained was at the back, beside taehyung. he sighed and shifted over, sitting beside the male as the air suddenly grew awkward for only the two males.

the car ride was actually going to take 2 hours and that's why jeongguk felt sick and tired. he sighed and smiled as jin began playing the radio, as everyone, except a certain someone began dancing and singing or rapping along. he laughed and took a video as a bright smile was on his face. though, he felt a hand fall on his thigh as his cheeks turned bright red. yes him and taehyung were ex's but it wasn't like he could simply get rid of his feelings for the older male. he loved taehyung since 2015! he sighed and let taehyung's hand rest there as he didn't complain.

[time skip]

the 7 boys finally arrived at the cliff as they smiled and exited the van and grabbed the rucksacks and everything before they began making their way up the hill, to the cliff edge. though, for jeongguk, it seemed like they were walking for 5 hours but it was only 20 minutes. his legs were ACHING. he sighed and whined. "hyungs! can we please stop? my legs are aching!" "yah! it's only been 20 minutes jeongguk! i'm the oldest and even i'm not tired!" jin laughed and continued walking, the others following. jeongguk pouted and got up but he squealed as his feet wasn't touching the ground anymore.

he gasped as he turned his head, shocked at the sight of who picked him up. "t-taehyung?!" he squeaked out as he felt his cheeks turned red but he was mad at himself. why the hell is he blushing when the man cheated on him?! "p-put me down asshole!" he scoffed and rolled his eyes, looking away because one, he didn't want taehyung to see him blush and two, he felt hurt when he saw taehyungs face. remembering a few things, he sighed and just chose to leave it. it was better than walking at least.

"hey..gguk?" jeongguk gulped hearing taehyung's deep voice as he didn't look up nor did he answer. "i know you probably hate me but at least hear me out. listen to my explanation and then i will never disturb you." jeongguk rolled his eyes slightly but gave a slight nod. "look, that day after the argument we had, i went to bogum to get advice on how to set a perfect date. i wanted your forgiveness but i needed to set up a huge date. so, we were talking and we drank a bit which led to me being tipsy and a bit slower in my actions and reflexes." jeongguk's ears perked up at that as he continued listening.

"and before i knew it, he leaned in and kissed me! i couldn't move fast enough because of my slightly drunken state but i moved away a bit too late and the camera took a picture. i also was shocked because i never expected anything like that." taehyung sighed and took a deep breath. "i don't even like bogum like that! the few days i went with bogum because he felt lonely! and i always see you at the dorms so i thought maybe it wouldn't affect you that much but it did. i'm really sorry jeongguk.." jeongguk sighed as he bit his lip. what should he do?

"tae i.."

[rewriting] 𝐉𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐘 ;; 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤Where stories live. Discover now