Chapter 5

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As summer hit and Alexis's life settled down she found time for herself. Ali and Ash were in and out of camp and with the Spirit training and traveling. Lex changed to a different club team, one that practiced closer to her new found home. Also spending plenty of time with Hannah, but mostly finding herself in the apartment by herself and of course she would clean and watch tv but a lot of the time she would just spend sitting outside and enjoying those moments of peace to herself. She loved not having to worry about much. The peace and quiet soothed her, so she always found a little bit of time everyday to just be in peace weather it was outside or doing yoga to some laid back music, she found peace in her life just to herself. Something she would think of major things affecting her life at that moment and somehow Hannah always came up. She knew she had to make a move soon or she would lose her to someone else, and she figured out just how she was going to do it.

Lex had run around town setting up all of idea for her fast approaching, surprise date. She had texted Hannah early on asking her to come over at noon and hang out. Little did Hannah know what she had planned of the day.

As soon as Hannah stepped in the door she knew something was up. She could feel her nerves radiating off her best friend. After an hour of watching pointless TV, Hannah finally asked lex what was bothering her.

"So I had this all planned out, how I was gonna do all this but then you got here and I lost all of it. Shit." Lex leaned forward putting her head in her hands feeling the stress was over her in pulses. She has never been so nervous. She had planned out this whole afternoon but she first had to tell Hanna that she was in love with the girl. She couldn't even do that.

"Lex.... Alexis, what are you talking about. Lexi i'm right here, talk to me." Hannah leaned over and put her hand on her back.

"Okay... so, we have been friends for along time and you helped me find my self. And i will always love you for it, but my feelings run a bit deeper then that. They run deeper than just a friendship and i don't know if you feel the same way or not but just spend today with me, i have it all planned and if after today you don't feel the same way then we can go back to being friends but at least give me today. Okay?" Alexis finally looked up at her best friend to see a wide smile on her face and a soft nod. Lex smile and released the breath she had been holding.

"Okay then," Lexi stood up from the couch and out of a hand to help hannah up. "Let's get going. We have a long day." Hannah took Lexi's hand and followed her out to Ali's BMW (which Ali had carefully let her borrow giving her strict instructions not to hurt her "baby") and set out for the Baltimore bay for their first stop.

As soon as Lex pulled into the National Aquarium parking lot she could she the excitement level rise in hannah and it was just their first stop. Alexis knew her best friends love for creatures of the sea. As the walked into the first exhibit, Hannah was already leading her left and right showing her as much as possible. Octopus, and Pirañas, and as many fish as you could count. When they finally reach the shark level, Hannah stopped dead in her tracks with her jaw agape. Lex just giggled and kissed her cheek before dragging her to the glass to look up coser. They stood there together for another 20 minutes look at all the fish and sharks that pass by the window when Hannah realized they had been holding hands the entire time. She looked down at Alexis and just smiled, that's all she could do the entire time they were together. She had definitely fallen in love with this girl. Lex finally realized Hannah was staring and blushed a little. Their last stop was the dolphin exhibit, and probably the best part of the visit.

"Come on, we've got more to do today." Lexi took her hand and led her out of the aquarium and back to the car. Alexis drove them another 30 minutes to an old dinner not far from her old home. Hannah turn and smiled remembering all the old memories they shared there from walking there to get milk shakes everyday after school. Sneaking out of school for lunch.

After getting greasy burgers and fries they set out for a final stop.

"Will you atleast give me a hint?" Hannah pleaded over the center console of Ali's BMW.

"No , it a surprise for a reason so you just have to wait." Lex said shaking her head while keeping her eyes on the road. They drove for a good hour as the sun set and the amount of buildings and house slimed out the approached and small fenced in field with a giant wall in the back and Hannah finally realized what they were going to.

" NO WAY! I have always wanted to go to one these!" Hannah said practically bursting out of her seat.

" I know, why do you think i did this." Lex giggled glancing over at her best friend. They pulled in and back the car toward the screen and pulled out blanket and pillows and got settled in for the movie, hannah cuddling into Alexis's side and stayed like that through the movie.

When the movie finished they packed back up the car and waited in the long line to get out of the drive-in theater and started their trek home. They enjoyed the subtle music of the radio the entire ride home. Every once in while, one would squeeze the others hand until they finally pulled up in front of Hannah's' house. They sat there until Hannah spoke up.

"Thank you for today, and just so you know I like you too. I have for a while I've just been waiting till you were ready." Hannah said running her thumb along the back of Lexi's hand. Lex bowed her head and Hannah reach over the console and put her hand on the side of lx's face and pulled her in for a kiss. It sent sparks through lex's body and the only pulled away when air was necessary. Lex finally made eye contact with Hannah and she smile. "I'll see you tomorrow." Hannah gave her one last peek before climbing out of her car and making her way to her house. Lex sat in the car for a good 10 minutes before driving home with a smile on her face.

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