The Beginning

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Valerie Chase. 14 years old. Younger sister of Annabeth Chase and and Nice Di Angelo. How I'm Annabeth's sister will always be a mystery to me. Anyways, I'm the daughter of Hades and well you know Annabeth's mom is well my mom too. I'm great friends with my sister's boyfriend, Percy. You know, the cute dark haired guy, ocean blue eyes, goofy smile. Well, I've been trained by Lupa, you know the wolf, and her pack. I was the smallest but  that didnt stop me. I passed everything she gave me. But when I came to camp, things were... different. 

Everyone avoids me cause I'm Hades' daughter. I'm basically a walking bad omen. I know what people say about me. I know I'm weird but weirds good right? I mean whats life without a little weirdness? Anyways, the only person who always understands me is my brother, Nico. He's my best friend. Sure people think he's distant, and tons of other stuff but I don't care. He only opens up to me. He hates Annabeth. He won't tell me why but I trust him. 

Everything was as normal as it could get until today. Its thelast week of August. I was sharpening my dagger when a boy I didn't know came up to me. "This is for you," he mumbled. My eyes widened. "For me?" I asked. He nodded shoved the letter in my hands and walked away. Rude, I thought to myself. I opened the letter and gasped rereading it word for word.

Dear Valerie Di Angelo,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We hope to see you this year. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. 


Miverva McGonnagall

I ran to my sister's cabin and slammed the door shut making sure no one could disturb us. "What is the meaning of this?" I said to Annabeth showing (more like throwing) her the letter. She stopped packing her bag and her eyes widened. "I-" she stammered. Wow, I never thought Annabeth Chase ever lost her cool, I thought. "What?! Is this some sick prank?" Trying to send me to this 'School of Witchcraft and Wizardry' ? I knew you didn't like me A, but really? This is too much," I said. "Val,-" she started. "You better have a good explanation," I said crossing my arms. 

"Look, I don't know how to tell you this but, you're a witch," she said. I looked at her and laughed. "Why are you laughing?" She said with an annoyed tone. "You really think I'm that thick?" I said immediately stopping laughing. "Its true Valerie!" she said. "Really? I find that hard to believe cause if I remember correctly, I'm the Daughter of Hades, not some witch," I spat. "About that," she said hesitating. "You're mom isn't my mom. You're not a goddess like you thought. Your dad, he married this lady named Morgan Le Fey. Apparently she's some sort of witch. I don't know the whole story but I do know that part-" she said but stopped when I pinned her to the wall.

"Are messing with me, Chase? Cause you know I'm Lupa's most highly trained demigod in the whole camp. It even  better than you and you know it. How come I dont know about this?" I hissed still pinning her hard against the wall. "Because I was afraid you would react like this! I know you're different and all but I didn't want the idea to go to your head!" She said. "Wow," I said stepping away from her, "you really don't know me at all. How long have they been sensing these?" I said while holding up the letter. She looked down and mumbled something. "What?" "Two years." My eyes widened. "Two freaking years?!! And you didnt tell me?!" "Val-" "No! I can't believe you! All my life everyone treats me differently. The only person who cares enough to at least think of how I feel is my brother. I'm going to this school and I am not coming back unless my brother needs me." I said turning towards the door. 

"Valerie," Annabeth  breathed. "Save it. I'm not going to hear it." I said while opening the door and slamming it shut. I booked a flight to London and bought all the things requested with some difficulty because I had no idea where to star during the the last few days of the week. I began to make my way to the train platform when I realized I didn't know how to get on the 9 3/4 platform. I looked everywhere and I couldn't find it. Frustrated I looked around for help when suddenly I heard some commotion. "You go first Fred," a red haired woman said to another red haired boy a couple years older than me. Quickly he turned around and ran into the wall between platforms 9 and 10. "Excuse me?" I said to the lady. "Yes dear?" "Is that the um entrance for-" "Platform 9 3/4? Yes it is." She said smiling. "How-how do you do it?" I asked as the next boy ran into the wall. "Just close your eyes and ran straight into the wall." She said. "Okay," I said nervously.

"Hey don't worry. I've was nervous too. Just think of something that makes you happy and it'll be alright," a boy with round glasses said to me. "Okay," I said sighing shakily. "I'm Harry. And this is Ron," he said while pointing at the boy next to him. "I'm Valerie. Valerie Di Angelo." I said smiling and shaking his hand. "Pleasure to meet you," he said returning the smile. Strangely, the girl standing next to the boy, Ron, was glaring at me. "See you on the platform?" I asked Harry. "Absolutely," he said smiling. I nodded and turned around.

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath I ran. I didnt stop running or open my eyes until I crashed into another person and their trolley. In doing so, I somehow bumped into another person and was about to fall when a pair of strong arms caught me. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen! I'm so sor-" I began but stopped as I opened my eyes to see two grey blue eyes staring back at me. "Its um its fine," he said stammering a little. I laughed slightly but nervously cause of the distance between me and this guy. "I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." He said as he helped me stand up.

"I'm Di-," I started but was pulled away by my wrist by none of than the boy I just met. "We have to find a good seat on  the train!" He yelled back at me. I turned to look at the blond boy behind me and saw him standing there glaring at me and fists clenched at his side. Whats up with him, J wondered to myself but didn't think much about since I was being pulled on the trian and into a compartment with someone who seemed to be sleeping. "Who's this?" A girl with bushy hair and a know it all voice asked while pointing at me. "She's a new friend we met on the platform. Valerie Di Angelo," Harry said. I smiled and raised my hand to shake hers. "Pleasure to meet you, " I said. Instead of shaking my hand she looked at me and raised her eyebrows. "Pleasure to meet you," she said in the same snobby tone. 

Dropping my hand awkwardly, I sat down next to Harry opposite of the next man sleeping. "So Valerie, What year are you in?" She asked. "I guess in my third year. I didn't know for two years I was a witch and missed two years but apparently whoever sent me the letter wanted me to anyways," I said shrugging my shoulders. "Hmm, interesting," she said. "You didn't know you were a witch?" Harry asked. "No, my so called know it all sister thought it was in my best interest to keep the letter hidden away from me. 

"Wow, and I thought the Durselys were bad," he said. "Di Angelo, I've never heard of a name like that," the bushy haired gurl said. "Well I'm not surprised. I'm a demigod from the States so naturally You wouldn't have heard it," I snapped. "Demigod?" She asked. "Yeah, you know when a god and a mortal fall in love and have a kid? Thats a demigod," I said smirking and crossing my arms. "I know what it means, I just dont understand what a demigod is doing at Hogwarts," she said also crossing her arms. 

"Well apparently my mother is a famous witch by the name Morgan Le Fey and so my dad, Hades, fell in love blah blah blah and thus I'm here," I said and laid back against the seat. "Interesting," the girl said eyeing my up and down. I was about to say something when the trian went dark and cold all of a sudden. "I'm going to go check, " I said but stopped when Harry grabbed my wrist. "Val-," he started but I rested a hand on his shoulder saying, "It's okay, I'll be fine." He nodded and I opened the compartment door and walked out. 

I was only a few seconds checking out the passageways when my clumsy self bumped into a person again almost falling on my face but quickly caught. "Hey!" The voice said. I'm so sorry. I didn't see you," I said as the person chuckled slightly. "Its actually quite alright," the voice said that in that moment I recognized who it was. "Malfoy?" I said still in a dipping position and holding on to the neck of the blond boy from the platform. "The one and only," he said and smirked. Even though it was dark, I could see his smirk. "We have to stop meeting like this," he continued, "Agreed," I said. I was about to say something else when i saw a dark hooded figure coming  towards us. Suddenly I couldn't feel anything except extremely cold and sadness. Like I would never be happy again. The next thing I know, I heard someone saying my name and blacking out.

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