Chapter 1

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It was just a normal summer day in Sioux Falls; the sun was shining, the birds were singing and I was bored. Working in the diner as a waitress was a way to make a quick buck so I could leave this sleepy little place for somewhere exotic and basically not here. Nothing had happened in my little neck of the woods since my uncle Bobby shipped me here under the watchful eye of Jody Mills. As I'm pondering my shitty life the bell rings, signalling someone has entered the diner. Looking up smiling I see the most gorgeous man entering the diner with Jody, as he walks up to the bar the sun catches his eye, causing them to shimmer like emeralds.

"Excuse me miss..." he looks at my name tag " Lara. My name is Agent Dempsey and I was wondering if you know a Tammy Reynolds." Shocked I leaned against the bar,

"Is she ok?" I asked this mysterious man, "She is not in trouble is she?" Tammy was my best friend, well my only friend in this sleepy town, but she had skipped town a couple of weeks ago,

"I'm afraid she is missing." He says gently.

I look at Jody, who confirms this with a nod of her head,

"No she can't be missing. She said she was as going to leave this crappy place and she finally did." He takes my hand and leads me around the counter,

"Maybe we had better sit down." Leading me to a corner both he sits opposite me while Jody sits by my side,

"So what makes you think she is missing?" Picking up the salt dispenser, I tip some of the white crystals in my hand while asking the question.

"Lara we went by her place and there was evidence of a struggle," Jody states watching me play with the salt in my hand. Looking into Agent Dempsey's eyes I realise I've seen those same eyes in a photo at my uncles home, before he took it off me and told me to not look through his stuff. This is not an agent but I know who it is.

"Were there any unusual smells in her home?" Looking him squarely in the eye, I ask him. "Like sulphur?" Seeing him flinch I realise I'm on the right track,

"What are you suggesting?" He holds his hands face up on the table. Putting the salt crystals in his hand I look him dead in the eye,

"I know who you are? And you aren't an agent!" I exclaim; leaning forward I lower my voice, "your one of those Winchester's?" He looks at me and it seems time has frozen while he prepares to answer me,

"And how does a small time waitress know that?" He leans forward matching my voice pitch,

"I'm Lara Singer, and Bobby is my uncle." He looks shocked before turning to Jody,

"She is Bobby's niece?" He asks her, "Why didn't you tell me?" Jody just smiles at him and shrugs,

"I didn't think anyone was meant to know." She says shrugging, "Bobby wanted her under wraps." He looks at her strangely

"Even from us? I thought we were family." He looks so upset that I rest my hand on his own. His eyes meet mine and I can see the anger flickering, turning his green eyes to hard emeralds.

"With your connections," I state my fingers making air quotation marks, "especially from you. I can't be out in the wind where the monsters, demons and black witches can find me." Standing up I turn towards the counter, "now if you excuse me I have work to do."

As I start walking to the bar I can hear shuffling of feet as someone gets out of the booth behind me. Suddenly a hand is on my arm stopping me in my tracks; I turn and see the man behind me holding out a paper napkin.

"Look if you see or hear anything ring me." Taking the napkin out of his hand I look at the writing on it, which reflects the man himself; the writing is written entirely in capitals, but is rushed and slightly sloped.

Nodding at him I turn back to the counter, putting the paper napkin in my trouser pocket. Now I know the name of this particular Winchester, Dean.

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