Chapter 11: Marks of Sight

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A few days later...

Damiax: "Marc..."

The three have arrived at the body of Marc at the end of the Fungi Layer.

Dante: "Looks like this guy can hold his own."

Cereza: "Most likely a former hunter."

Damiax takes a scrap of his tunic, putting it with pieces of Jesh and Halen's tunics.

Damiax: "(tearing up) We were all the same in his eyes. Worthless."

Cereza: "Older siblings?"

Damiax wipes away his tears.

Damiax: "We can't waste time. The Passage Layer is a maze that very few know the right path."

Damiax heads down the stairs.

Dante: "(sarcastically) His father sounds like quite the charmer."

The remaining two follow.


Dyane: "I can feel his presence."

Dyane stands in front of a large statue of a mole and raccoon, with the stairs and lone torch in the room to her right.

Dyane: "Damiax..."


Luke: "Finally!"

Luke can see the staircase towards the final layer.

Dyane: "One of the last Metama..."

Luke then finds Dyane and the statue waiting for him.

Luke: "So that's where you hid the Mark of Sight."

Dyane's eyes develop night vision as she walks towards the torch.

Dyane: "This time you won't get away."

Luke books it over to the statue.

Luke: "I've already done it three times."

Luke is almost at the statue when Dyane puts out the torch.

Dyane: "You won't do it a fourth."

Dyane dashes towards Luke.

Luke: "Sorry to take away your advantage so soon, but..."

Luke touches the statue, burning the tattoo of a raccoon into his side.

Luke: "I kind of need to win."

The new tattoo glows as Luke transforms into a raccoon.

Dyane: "No, you need to die!"

Dyane grabs Luke's tail before swinging him around like a reference to a popular video game and throwing him into the wall.

Luke: "(in pain) That one really doesn't feel too good."

Luke switches to his snake form.

Luke: "I'm waiting for round two!"

Dyane books it towards Luke.

Dyane: "I'd be glad to!"

Luke isn't moving.

Luke: "(in head) I'm waiting for it..."

Dyane is above Luke.

Luke: "... now!"

Luke digs his fangs into Dyane's right shin as she tries to rip him in half.

Dyane: "(in pain) Wh-What?!"

Luke changes back into a raccoon and dashes away as the venom works its way through her blood.

Luke: "Nice try."

Dyane's eyes return to normal as she falls to the ground.

Dyane: "(weakly) What are you waiting for?"

Luke walks up to Dyane.

Luke: "I'll let you think about your life while my venom pumps through your body."

Luke walks over to the torch to reignite it 

Luke: "Just one question."

Dyane: "(weakly) I won't answer."

Luke uses two stones to reignite the torch after changing back.

Luke: "You said one of the Metama."

Luke begins to walk down the stairs.

Luke: "Did you mean it?"

Dyane says nothing.

Luke: "Then I'll go kill your old man myself."

Luke walks down the stairs...

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