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"I think you know now he is not the sasuke that we know" kakashi retorted after sasuke attempted to kill sakura with his chidori.
"I ask you now sasuke to stop" kakashi retorted.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA, you think you are still my sensei, i can't wait to kill you..." Sasuke said devilishly.
Sasuke charged his chidori and attempted to attack sakura again when naruto has carried sakura and gave him ' how dare you look'
"Naruto i'll fight him..." kakashi said as he stood by.
However naruto charged his rasengan while sasuke charged his chidori and both ran towards each other to fight. However all of a sudden. As naruto and sasuke ran towards each other, an entity kicked naruto from his side, blocked sasuke's hand from downward and landed a punched towards his stomach.
Sasuke cringed in pain and flew back wards while naruto kept spinning until he landed on his feet, to see who pushed him out of the way.
The water splashes faded, kakashi, naruto and sakura mouth widened.
Sasuke gained his composure to find, those pale orbs with an activated Byakugan, bluish long hair, long sleeves black shirt, and a purple Bermuda pants.
Hinata had her twin lion fists. She looked into sasuke's eyes with rage.
Sasuke was taken aback, he was shocked, he never thought the girl whom he loved he would see her again after falling into darkness. She was on the top of his list to be killed after killing naruto.
He remembers quite well, everything from the past days of the academy.
Sasuke looked intently into those eyes were full of rage, hinata did change a lot.
"HYUUGA " he growled.
Hinata again ran toward him, when naruto,kakashi and sakura yelled for her to stop.
"ARAAAAAGHHHH" hinata screamed as she was going to attack sasuke's chakra point.
Sasuke activated his sharingan, he aimed to punch her right, she dodged, aimed to punch her left, she blocked his attack, kicking him with her knees into his stomach again, sasuke tried to block her kick, but was met by another kick on his face, as hinata twisted her body, to kick him with her other leg.
"She is fast... when did she became like that" sasuke thought as he was taken aback, how far she had gone, she is really developed and strong.
This timid shy girl, she was with them on team seven and tried many times to win naruto's heart, when she was blind for his love toward her.
However sasuke gave an evil smirk.
"You became something hinata..." he said and again ran towards her aiming to hit her.
He aimed to punch her, hinata bent her head dodging his attack, but sasuke tugged her hair, twisted it, hinata winced in pain,
Sasuke turned her and with a brutal force, he dropped her roughly on the ground.
He then charged his chidori and punched her stomach roughly, hinata coughed blood.
"SASUKEEEE" naruto yelled as he rushed toward sasuke to stop the chidori attack but he was mere of second late, and before he reached sasuke, he took out his kunai, and tugged hinata's hair, pulling her up, with one of his arms around her neck, and pointing the kunai to her eyes.
"Move another single step, and say goodbye to hinata..." he said with a devilish smirk.
"Attack naruto kun... attack..." hinata yelled so naruto won't stop.
He tugged her tighter, she winced again in pain.
"Aughaaa" hinata winced
"Shut up.." sasuke growled as he hit her with the back of his kunai on her face, she lost consciousness, then obito took sasuke and both vanished, with sasuke taking hinata away.
"Hinataaaa....." naruto yelled.

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