t w e n t y - f i v e

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mark waited patiently while taeyong's soul searched the teckerani for his parents. with everything somewhat finished, he felt it was about time for his parents to be filled in on everything that happened. he was sure they had been worried that sona would find him ever since he had told them how fast his powers were progressing. they, like all the other witches, would have understood that gave sona an easier time finding him. mark had been staring into space when they appeared, startling him slightly with their angry glow and the sudden hug from his mom.

"mark!" she exclaimed.

"hey mom," mark laughed, "hey dad."

"hello son, to what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"i wanted to fill you in on everything that has happened since i last saw you," mark told them, the air instantly becoming heavier, "sona found me."

"they found you?!" his mom gasped, releasing him.

"yeah, they started following me. they found out where i live, what car i drive, where i go to school, they even tried to corner me when i was with my friends. they isolated me and lead me to some abandoned industrial park where they planned on getting my powers. but the other coven members showed up and donghyuck ended up killing their leader with blood mage. he basically saved my life. we haven't heard from them since."

"oh good," his mom sighed in relief, "but has the high coven arrested them?"

mark shook his head, "they weren't at the scene fast enough."

"maybe they'll back down now," his dad suggested, "without the leader perhaps none of them will want to continue what he started. a lot of times people follow simply because they're scared of what will happen if they don't."

"that's what i'm hoping." the door to the training room opened and today donghyuck must have woken up in less pain than usual because there he was, looking beautiful in a long pleated skirt and slightly see through button up top. even from where he was, mark could see the return of his eyeliner which he hadn't bothered to put on since the fight.

"i didn't mean to inturrupt," donghyuck said quickly, "just looking for mark. found him! so i'll uh... i'll go."

"and has something happened with him too?" his dad asked softly, making mark blink suddenly and realize he was staring. when he looked back at his dad he realized just how fast his heart was beating from just seeing donghyuck back to his usual, fashionista self.

"uh, yeah." he replied bashfully, he turned back to donghyuck who was just starting to leave, "it's okay donghyuck, come in." he looked hesitant, but within seconds his socked feet were carrying him across the wood floors to mark's side. he stood rigid in front of his birth parents as mark slipped a hand around his slim waist.

"you two make a lovely couple." mark's mom complimented, looking incredibly proud, and not phased in the slightest when both boys turned bright shades of red.

"thanks mom." mark mumbled.

"you're the boy that saved our son's life?" his dad asked. donghyuck nodded and mark knew he was thinking about what he'd done, still not liking reminders of it. no matter what he thought, mark would be forever grateful. his dad stepped forward and took donghyuck's shoulders in his hands, "thank you." he said. donghyuck chuckled warily,

"it was nothing."

"using blood mage to kill somebody isn't nothing donghyuck," his mom said, "it's hard on your body. are you recovering alright?" donghyuck blinked at her. mark got the impression he wasn't used to having adults care about his well being like this. no doubt he felt awkward, especially because it was one set of mark's parents and they were... kind of dating.

"yeah, i'm okay," donghyuck nodded slowly, "today was the first day i felt like myself when i woke up."

"glad to hear it." donghyuck mustered up a real grin, becoming more relaxed with the situation.

"well we don't want to keep you boys too long, and we should get going for taeyong's sake," his dad shot a look over at their teacher who was still in the teckerani, "it was good to hear from you mark, we're glad you're alive and well. and it was good meeting you donghyuck, if mark's ever out of line you call us and we'll whip him into shape, got it?"

donghyuck giggled, looking up at mark with a fond sparkle in his eyes, "yes sir."

"alright, off you go," his parents waved as the boys left for the exit hand in hand, "oh and mark?" the boy turned, donghyuck's hand slipping out of his to give them some privacy as he could tell it would be appreciated. mark met just his dad's gaze, mom already gone, "if your adoptive parents ever find out about you being a witch, tell them we appreciate all they've done for you, raising you. they did a better job than we could've ever hoped. you're a wonderful witch because of your character, and that's thanks to them."

mark smiled, tiny tears welling in his eyes, "i will. bye dad."

"goodbye son."

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