Only Option

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| the beginning |

This might be our only option, Jason Blossom repeats in his head.

Only option.

At first, the teenage boy thought he had hit the jackpot when his senile grandmother started mumbling about a farm upstate ran by "a man who never grows old". Craziness of that second detail aside, he only paid attention to the part about the farm upstate that practices healing, redemption, and most importantly, welcomes all.

Of course, he did his research, and it was all as Nanna Rose had said; recruiting new members who are looking for a loving, forgiving family.

He wanted that for him and Polly and their child. More than anything. Riverdale wouldn't be safe; especially not with his father, Clifford Blossom, running a drug ring in the small town.

Only option.

Whatever it would take for a happy future for their family, he would do.

Which lands him right here, walking around acres and acres of scenic land devoted solely to the place called The Farm, being given a tour by the leader, Edgar Evernever.

He's in a strange place with a strange man. But it was safe there.

"As you can see, The Farm is a place built for you to be able to fully crucify the weight of your past and be able to ascend into a bright future," Edgar tells him with wispy hand gestures and a rough voice. Jason nods along. "Would it just be you joining us, or...?"

"Me, my fiancé and my baby." He explains curtly. Edgar smiles.

"Wonderful. Congratulations, you two."

Edgar Evernever's words strike Jason with unfamiliarity. When Polly got pregnant and the families found out, no one said congratulations. Understandably, of course, but Jason and Polly were excited... And no one else was. So what they were starting a family earlier than planned? They wanted to be a family.

Jason had never thought about this until now.

No one has ever said congratulations, but Edgar Evernever did.

Suddenly the only option didn't seem like such a bad option.

"Would you like to see our living accommodations, Jason?"

With a calming exhale, Jason smiles.

"Yes, please."

Edgar leads them to a section of land covered in a series of unique houses all line up in perfect rows. It could have easily been mistaken for a quaint street in a quaint town like Riverdale.

They go inside one of the vacant cabins and it is a little one room structure complete with a kitchenette, two soft chairs, a dining table, and coffee table. Above them is a loft with a bed and below there is a bathroom.

"This is lovely," Jason tells him.

"Thank you, Jason. Now, along with this we have a group dining room, all of the recreational structures I've shown you, and a handful of educators who would be happy to help your children as they grow older." Edgar pauses. "We have everything you and your family will need."

It feels so great. Too great. But here it is, right at Jason's fingertips, asking for him to just reach out and take it for him and Polly.

Only option.

"You really do," he says in amazement. They fall silent for a moment, and Jason concludes that this is the end of the tour. He holds out his hand for a shake. "Thank you very much for welcoming me into your community, Mr. Evernever."

Edgar grands his hand, firmly, and shakes it.

"You heard about us for a reason, Jason Blossom. Our paths were meant to cross, I know it. The future is bright for you and your family and I can only hope that us at The Farm can be a part of it. Contact me if you plan on returning and we will make preparations for your arrival."

"I will, Mr. Evernever. Thank you again, for everything."

Edgar's wife, Evelyn, shows him off of the premises after that. From there, he goes to his next scheduled meeting: the one with his fiancé, Polly, in a field of brush adjacent The Sisters of Quiet Mercy Home For Girls.

He hears her whisper through the dark of the night and suddenly they are racing towards each other to passionately embrace and kiss and touch like its the first and last time. Whenever they reunite, it always hits Jason how hard he misses her when she's not with him. He doesn't notice how intense it is until he has her back in his arms.

"God, I missed you too," she tells him in return after he voices his thoughts. "This place is evil. I can't wait for us to leave."

"I know, Polly, I know. I'm going to get us out of here. I've found us the perfect place; the farm that Nana Rose was talking about. I saw it today, the owner gave me a tour, and Polly, you would love it there. The baby will love it there."


"It's so naturally beautiful. They have small cottages where everyone lives, and they grow their own food, and there's animals that everyone tends to and grassy fields where the baby will play and they even have therapy. They have some sort of reform system where you can forget the past and see the future like you've never seen it before. Polly, it's— It's perfect for us."

Polly's crying. He can only tell from the way that her tears glisten in the dim light of the moon, and for a moment he thinks he said something wrong, but then—

"I want that. I want that so bad, Babe. I want to get out of here," she says, breathy, through her tears. Jason puts his hands on her stomach where the baby is and holds them there, wishing that the baby could feel how much he loves it.

"I'm getting you out of here. You mentioned last week that you guys are allowed in the gardens to have a Fourth of July picnic, right?"

She nods.

"While everyone is in one place, you need to come out here and follow a path of trees that I'm going to mark for you. Go all the way until you come to Sweetwater River, and I'm going to be there with some necessities and clothes and stuff. We'll take a boat down the river a bit and then walk until we hit the bus station and get tickets to go to The Farm."

"You think you can get me out of here?" The hope in her voice is heartbreaking.

"I know I can get you out of here."

"But what if—"

"You need to have confidence or this won't work, Polly." He urges. "I love you, and I love our baby, and I'm getting you both out of here. I will do anything to ensure that you guys are safe."

He meant that he would do anything. Because he would.

But at the time, he didn't know that it would mean dying.

| the end |

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