Nanny AU

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Choose one of the following:

You have been hired by a wealthy family as the nanny. You can't help but notice how gorgeous your employer is. They notice you too. Do you make the first move or do they? Do(es) their child(ren) approve of your relationship?

You have recently hired a nanny to take care of your child(ren). You can't help but be attracted to them, especially when you see how well they get along with your offspring. They feel the same way about you. Do you make the first move or do they?


You are someone with a dark past and a deadly reputation, however, you want to leave that life behind. You find yourself suddenly in the employ of a rich person with a lot of dangerous enemies. Now, you can't cook or clean but they hire you as their housekeeper and nanny to protect their child. They give you a home and an entirely new identity. How does it go? Are you able to keep up with this new life or does the past come to find you?

You find someone with a dark past and a deadly reputation. What they did in the past doesn't concern you, however, certain skills may be useful. You are a wealthy person with dangerous enemies and your need someone to protect your beloved child. They're not much of a housekeeper but your hire them as one anyway as a cover. Do your enemies plot against you? How does your hired help handle the situation?

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