Four Years Later

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Hello everyone! I have a new story idea, let me know what you think! No haters please. All mistakes are mine. Stephenie Meyers owns all of these lovely characters.

Pair: Bella/ Marcus


                                                                           Four Years Later

      "Continue reading through chapter 8. I posted your next discussion question on blackboard. I want a response no less than 150 words." I pull out my daily planner and write the assignment down. Ugh, looks like another late night. I gather my books and stuff them in my backpack. When I get up, I bump into the desk. Ouch. Another bruise. Thank goodness for pants. My legs are always covered in bruises. I slowly move away from the desk and follow the others out the door.  I can't believe I am about to graduate college with my bachelors degree in science. I try to keep head from making the connection of why I am studying science. We met in biology. My chest aches for a second. Get a grip Bella, it's been four years. I take a deep breath. In....out. After a couple of breaths, I am good again. 

"Hey Bella?" Lexie calls out as soon as I squeeze out the door. 

"Hey," I say as I step aside. No one likes a hall hog. 

"We are going out tonight. You want to come?" She asks me. Lexie is kind of my roommate. By kind of, I mean she is hardly ever there. When she invites me to go some with her and her friends, it usually means they need someone to drive. I don't mind. It is not like I really have any other plans.

"Sure. Where should I meet you? Or do you want me to come get you?" I ask. 

"We are meeting at That Bar, don't worry about driving! We are going to Uber." Before I can say anything to get out of going, she walks away. Lexie is funny like that. If she thinks you are about to argue, she walks away. I roll my eyes are her, as I move back into the crowd of college kids. And as luck would have it, I knock over some poor girl carrying too many books. 

"I am so sorry." I say as I try to help her collect her books. The other people around us part. 

"Thanks!" She says as I hand her the heavy stack. 

        When I get back to my apartment, I drop my backpack and walk over to the couch to flop on it. I sign. In the privacy of  my quiet domain, I let my head wander to Alice and the rest of the family. I refuse to think about him though. If she was here, she would dress me up to go out tonight. I am certain. Jasper would probably be somewhere in the back. Staying out of the way. I feel my eyes waters. I think about Emmett, my bear brother. I think I miss him the most. Then I think about Rosalie, she was right. I should have stayed away. I start to cry. The ache in my chest intensives. I miss them so much. Why was I  not good enough for them. My phone rings. I glance at the screen. Who would call me? father, was dead. Jake hated me. The pack hated me. Lexie. Oh. I forgot she had my number. I wipe my tears and clear my throat. 

"Hello?" I answer. 

"Hey Bella! Change of plans for tonight, I met some interesting friends and they are having a get together at their hotel. It's going to be so much fun! I'm coming to get you in an hour. Be ready!" She says and hangs up before I can object. An hour? Great. I have homework to do and I am going to go party instead. Maybe it is what I need. I shake my head and get up. Time to get ready.

         After I shower, change, and apply makeup the doorbell ring. I look at my reflection in the mirror. I still look broken but I am trying...For Charlie. I can do this. I walk to the door and open it. Lexie bounces in. She kind of reminds me of Alice. Maybe that is why I like her so much. 

"Ready?" She asks looking me up and down. I guess she is please because she nods her head approvingly. She grabs my hand and start to drag me out the door. I grab my purse as we pass the table. 

"Yes." I say. I am dragged outside in pulled inside a car. The music is loud and my head starts to pound. Great. I look to see who else in in the car. Four other people. I should probably recognize them, but Lexie has so many friends that their faces blur and I cannot remember who is who. Lexie begins talking to them and I stare out the window. 

Dad I miss you. I think. It was all my fault. I should have been there. My eyes start to water and I try to discretely wipe my eyes. Now is not the time to think about this. 

     We are in the car for a good thirty minutes before we pull up to a fancy hotel. It was one of the nicest ones in the nice part of town. What are we doing here? A guy in a uniform comes and opens the door. "Welcome," he say as he helps us out of the car. He smiles at Lexie as he looks her up and down. Lexie is one of those beautiful girl next door type of girls. She turns heads wherever she goes...Not like Rosalie, but close. We walk inside, and Lexie speeds over to the elevator.

"Come on guys." She says as she holds the door open for us. She's fast when she is excited. As I enter the elevator, I breath deeply. I hate tight spaces. We go up forever it seems like. When the door opens, I look to see which floor we are on. The penthouse. How nice. Lexie walks out first. She bounces over to the only door on the floor and knocks....We gather around her as the door opens and a beautiful blonde man steps out to meet up. As I look at him, my face loses all color. My heart pound heavy and I can hear white noise buzzing in my ear. I know this man. I have seen his face in a painting in Carlisle's office. Standing in front of me was none other than Caius Volturi. 

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