Chapter 2

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As the week went by it it was finally friday afternoon and me, oscar, amiee and jae were walking out off school. 

"you ready for tomorrow guys." i said.

"yeah!" the three off them shouted.

"awesome and you guys know that my mum rung your parents and said your sleeping at mine so you dont have to worry about being late." i said whilst looking both ways whilst crossing the road.

"yay!" they screamed whilst hugging me.

"i will see you later OK met me at my house oh and we or having domino's!" i shouted whilst walking the other way from those three. as i walked off i was thinking to my self i hope i win, hope i win and get the money to save my family's stables if i lose i will lose all the horses.

i was finally home..... a few hours pasted and the door bell rung, i opened the door to see my three best friends Aimee Oscar and jae.

"hey you guys ready and don't take your shoes off we or staying at my grans house whilst she way the house next to the stables OK." i said whilst picking up all my things.

"we are ready mum and lets go!" i shouted from the front door.

"coming Hun!" they both shouted from the kitchen. as mum and dad was walking from the kitchen i could here claws hitting the wooden oak floor, it was a puppy a collie puppy.

"aww, shes so cute what she called and why a puppy." i asked with a bit of confusion.

"shes gonna be a guard dog and mouse catcher but also a family dog, and you guys are gonna come up with the name." mum replied.

"lottie!" we all shouted.

"lottie it is, welcome to the family lottie and i think we should be going now dont you." my dad said. As my dad, mum and my friends walked out the door i picked up my things and lottie and walked over to the car i put all my things in the truck along with everyone else and we setted of 

About 30minutes later we arrived at my grans house shes been living here nearly all her live considering these stables belonged to her.

"oh my god this house i huge!" shouted Aimee, Oscar and Jae.

"i know right lets go put our stuff in my bedroom and then we can do for a ride my dad wont mind i all ways do it." i said whilst running down the stairs.

"hey dad we're going to practise for tomorrow ok and just have a little fun is that OK with you." i said with a polite voice.

"sure i don't see why not i will see you there in about 10 Min's if you go get ready groom and tack OK." replied my dad.

"k bye." i said whilst running out the door with the other three . whilst the four of us were running down the county line i could see on there faces that they just wanted to get there and ride. about 6 minutes later we were finally there out off breathe but there. 

"OK, lets go get there head collars and tie them out side and then groom and tack." i said whilst walking to the tack room room to collect us some head collars. but the thing we didn't know was my dad was in the indoor arena setting up a jump course for us to practise on.

Aimee was leading her own horse Bonny a cute chestnut horse which had four white socks and a strip which ran down her face , Oscar was leading his horse Flash with was a beautiful dark bay horse which only had one white sock on the back right leg, jae was leading his gorgous horse black knight which was obviously black because of his name he also only had one balck sonck but it was on the back left leg and i was leading my horse Baily he was a flaxen chestnut colour which was a really rare colour and he had a blaze running down his face and had two stocking on his back legs and light blues. as we walked in the arena we all gasped 

"thanks dad." i shouted.

"yeah thanks Mr Kay." the three of them shouted as well. as we mounted my dad shouted

"right we will have Harley as first lead then Oscar then Aimee then jae OK." a few moment later he shouted. 

"ready for a trot, 1,2,3 prepare to trot and trot on." and we all started to trot as we went round and round and round. 

"And back to walk." he shouted.

"right whos ready for some really fun."

we all shouted "we are!"

"ok. then if we have harley do the course first then we will work from there backwards ok." 

after a while going round the course and everyone had a go we all dismounted an started heading back to the stalls 

"that was amazing wasnt it." Oscar siad to me and the other two. 

"i know right." we all said chuckling.

as we untacked i heard my dad say

"dont forget make sure they have hay and water i will wait for you in the car ok!" 

"ok!" we all shouted from the stalls as we put there rugs back on we made sure they had water and hay we went to put back the tack and made sure we properly locked the stall gates and locked the main stable doors and Jae had to lock the main stable gate. as we all got in to the car i was thinking about tomorrow and i hoping i would win but like i said to my self in the past the best riders are there because well it is the show jumping champioin ships and i would likely come in last place with the riders who are going tomorrow but i was determind to win no matter what, i have to save my family stables......


hope you guys like sorry for any spelling mistakes and missing words 



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2014 ⏰

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