Happy... almost

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It was a quiet, rainy night. The headlights on the highway beamed like glowing bulbs, racing against each other. We walked into town, and did our favorite things together. We browsed at the record shop, went and watched a rerun of a black-and-White movie, and went to dinner. Cas kisses me on the cheek as we stood up and left our table.
As we collected our coats, he asked me "Would you mind if I took you somewhere?" I looked at him and sarcastically replied, "Are we eloping?" He chuckled, and lead me away.

The rain began to trickle again, as we clung to the wall and dry cover of the old cinema.  He took me to the edge of town, with a bird's eye view.
A sight worth dying for.
He put his muscular arm on my shoulder and turned earnestly to me. "Kat, I love y-" the ring of a bullet filled the silence, tearing Cas to the ground, and taking me with him.

A maroon stain began to soak his heavy coat, as the rain began to beat harder. I blink, desperately trying to regain both of us to composition.
I move his arm off of me, and begin to rise from the ground with mud caked on the side of my face. Yet, not even inches from the ground, a heavy boot presses on the back of my leather jacket, compressing my rib cage to the ground.
The satin of the dusty blue dress I was wearing began to collect rain, as my chest became tighter by the second. A shadow of a man leaned over down to my level and asked, "Well well, what do we have here?" A snear spread across his face as footsteps drew in closer to us.
I turned my head toward him, thought for a moment, and spit straight into his eye. He fell back in disgust, as I flipped myself over in an attempt to get out of the situation where I was no sooner pressed back down by another heavy boot, centered in the middle of my chest. I gasped for air as the foot of the boot tore into the sweetheart neckline of my dress.
I grabbed the ankle of the person and attempted to force it upward, but it only pressed harder. A street light came on and I could finally see the culprit of the dispute.

"I got it, Hal". A woman's voice rang loud and clear. She had short cut hair with scars on her face. "Bo Lance," she began "it's a pleasure" she said, pushing the toe of the boot further into my sternum.
I winced and let out a painful yell. "To meet you" she finished.
Through breathless lungs I sputtered "Get your damn boot off me, you bi-" she hushed me. "Play nice, now" she teased.
I turned my head.
Cas was wide eyed, trying to grasp his wound. "Cas!" I yelled. "Oh, he can't hear you, honey" she said lightly. "The shock is setting in." He turned to me. I stared back, my eyes lit with terror. I didn't want him to die. "Cas, stay with me!" I yelled, seizing his hand. Bo stood silently.
She was quite annoyed.

She whistled between her teeth, and a man shot Cas in the head. There was no coming back from that.

I wailed, seemingly echoing over the tallest mountains and into the deepest valleys. He was gone. "Why?" I said furiously through gritted teeth. "Why?!?!" She stared down at me. "It's simple, sweetheart." She said. "Because I can".
She clicked her tongue and nodded her head, and her goons began ripping my dress to shreds. Goosebumps crept up my arms from the cold.
Then she drew a pistol and shot me in the heart. In those fleeting moments, I turned and saw her pull something out of Cas' jacket. A ring? He was going to propose. "Bye bye, sweetheart" she said, as she and her gang casually walked away.

I died there that night; alone, broken hearted, and in rags.
But that was so long ago;
2006 to be exact.
It's now 3461. 
And I've got some work to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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