Chapter 2

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Regina woke up with a jolt when she felt she wasn't alone in her room, momentarily forgetting about the previous night. When she opened her eyes to see who was with her, she immediately calmed down again and rested her head back on the woman's chest where it had previously found its perch. She felt the woman's hands gently roam over her back and thigh, and a soft purr rumbled beneath her.
"Good morning." Emma said and cracked her eyes open, looking at the brown mess of hair on her chest, watching it move until a pair of eyes peeked through the strands.
"Good morning." Regina smiled slightly, chuckling when Emma moved the brown hair out of her face so she could take a better look at the woman.
"Ah there you are. Was almost afraid I went to bed with the girl from The Ring." That made Regina burst out in laughter.
"No... It's just me and my morning hair." She said and smiled slightly. She felt drawn to the blonde and wanted to kiss her, but she wasn't sure how Emma would feel about it. She was afraid that last night was just all she was getting and that made her a little nervous.

Emma could tell the brunette was thinking about something, perhaps overthinking things completely as her entire demeanor changed in a few seconds from being fine and relaxed to nervous wreck. The blonde cupped the woman's face and rubbed her thumb over the soft skin of her cheek.
"Careful there, you might give yourself a headache thinking so hard." She said and grinned a little. Regina bit her lip and sighed. The blonde then leaned in and kissed her softly until the woman finally released her lip and kissed back. Emma guided the brunette to settle on top of her and slid her hands over the woman's back and into her hair.

"Will you just relax?" She asked and Regina nodded slowly, looking away first before looking back at the blonde.
"Thank you." She said softly and nuzzled into the nape of the woman's neck. Emma put her hand on the back of her head and pet it gently.
"There is no need to overthink things so much. If you want to say or do something, you should." She said and turned her head a little to look at the woman. "If you want to kiss me, I won't stop you." She smirked a little. Regina gasped.
"How did you..?"
"There was a longing in your eyes and you looked at my lips. I'm pretty good at reading people." She said and ruffled the woman's hair, making her yelp and tried to stop it by grabbing the blonde's hand. They ended up lacing their fingers together and Regina looked up into the blonde's perfect green eyes. 

She couldn't help but be drawn to the woman who had been so kind to her in the last few hours. She knew it was probably just the fact that Emma was the first one to actually give a damn and show her affection, so her heart naturally just latched onto the first person to show her a little love, but it just felt so nice to be with Emma.

Emma leaned in again, but this time Regina met her half way, moulding their lips together slowly. She loved how being with the brunette made her feel. She was different from all the girls she had been with before. Even among her friends she was known as 'one night only' Emma. This one was different though. She wanted to know more about her and be with her. She could only hope Regina didn't grow tired of her.

Emma broke the kiss as suddenly her stomach seemed to declare war with the grumble that came from it. She blushed a little at the sound and Regina laughed.
"I guess I should feed you. It's the least I can do..." She said and smiled. "Thank you, for everything." She said and the blonde looked at Regina.
"That makes it sound like you're leaving." Her heart dropped a little. Normally she was the one to do this.
"What? I'm not going anywhere." The brunette said and sat up slowly, realising once more she was practically naked save for her panties. She used her arms to cover herself a little as she sat in Emma's lap. "I just really want to thank you for last night. I just... I've been so lost for a long time. I honestly can't remember how long I've been here, but you're the first one to see me." She said softly. Emma slid her hands up the woman's thighs and held her by her hips.
"From what I've gathered, a lot of things have happened. I'm not surprised you're a bit out of it."
"I'm not just out of it though. Because of everything that's happened, I don't know where the mess ends and I start. I've been so tangled up in that marriage, I've forgotten who I am." Regina's lip trembled as she was getting emotional again. The blonde sat up and wrapped her arms around the woman tightly.

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