fuck off, nancy

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Chapter six: fuck off, Nancy

After dinner, Nancy Wheeler had gone to her room and instantly started pacing

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After dinner, Nancy Wheeler had gone to her room and instantly started pacing. What she had seen in the photo was eating her alive, and the way Amber had acted had been so abnormal and out of the blue, she had to have seen it. Or something must've happened. She had to find out, and she already knew it would be tough.

She walked out of her room and over to Amber's door. She couldn't hear any music playing like normal, she couldn't hear anything. She suspected Amber had probably gone out via her window like usual, but it was worth a shot.

She raised her hand to the chipped door, knocking twice lightly. She heard no movement for a moment, making her lose hope, until she heard a little "who's there?"

"It's Nancy," She replies, "can I come in?"

She could practically hear the eye roll that came from the girl behind the door.

"No, fuck off," Amber snapped to her, making Nancy sigh, but she knew she couldn't give up.

"No, I need to talk to you," Nancy says, making Amber sigh, she didn't want to talk to anyone. She just wanted to sit on her roof with her glass of water and look at the stars like she normally did.

"No you don't," Amber shouts, "you never talk to me, so fuck off." She concludes, leaving her window and climbing onto the roof to think to herself. Nancy sighed, leaning her back on the door as Mike came up the stairs, finally finding out that Will was in a place like the vale of shadows, which was worrying him further.

He looked at Nancy in confusion as she stood outside Ambers door.

"What are you doing?" Mike asked Nancy, making her jump slightly at the sight of him.

"Trying to talk to Amber," Nancy says, knocking once more only to not get a response.

"Just go in and don't get kicked in the face," Mike says to her, thinking about past memories, "why do you wanna talk to her?"

"She was acting so weird at dinner," Nancy says to her brother, "there's gotta be a reason, right?"

"It's Amber," Mike sighs, "she's just a drama queen who wants attention."

"But she's never acted like that-" Nancy argues with Mike. Mike never really thought about how amber felt, he just assumed she was a heartless bitch, which to him a lot of the time she was.

"Exactly. So it has you worried and you want to talk to her, so she got the attention she wanted," Mike explained to Nancy, "don't bother with her. There's no point."

And with that Mike went into his room. Nancy looked at Mike's now gone figure before looking back at Ambers door. She sighed, taking a deep breath before opening it, only to see no one in there and the door wide open. She looked around the room quickly, she hadn't been in there for so long.

The room was small, smaller than Mike and Nancy's, but that's what was expected when she didn't behave. Her bed was in the corner, a Cassette on the table.

Nancy went to close the window when she heard light humming from above her. She looked out and up, seeing her sister lying and looking at the stars, humming a song that was playing through the Walkman placed on her chest.

Nancy didn't want to startle her, because she didn't want her to fall off, so decided to climb up so Amber would see her, and have no place to run.

She climbed up slowly, almost losing her footing a couple times. Amber didn't make any move to indicate she'd seen her, of was disgusted by her presence. So she sat next to ambers figure as the girl hummed to herself.

She decided to make herself known by taking the headphones off of Amber's head. Amber looked up at Nancy, and for one of the first times since Amber was young, Nancy saw just a kid behind the eyes.

Amber was scared, she didn't know what she had seen, and she didn't know if it would come back. She didn't know what would've happened if it got her, and she didn't know where it had come from.

"What happened?" Nancy asked the girl softly. And if Amber wasn't feeling so vulnerable, she would've commented on the fact that from where she was lying, Nancy had a double chin.

"Nothing," she said, sitting up to look out.

"You don't have to lie to me," Nancy says, "you saw something... didn't you."

Amber tensed for a moment, and Nancy instantly knew she had been correct, but knew Amber wouldn't admit it. She had too much pride.

"Fuck are you on about," Amber snaps at her, "you're sounding as stupid as Mike when playing that shit game of his."

"It's true," Nancy said, ignoring what Amber had snapped, "you saw it."

"Why are you suddenly acting like a caring big sister?" Amber asks her with a glare, "just because you think you know shit doesn't mean you suddenly become this caring role. It doesn't work like that."

"I'm not acting-" Nancy starts.

"Bull," Amber cuts her off, "you never cared before, and I was fine with that. So don't start trying to care now and putting your nose where it's not needed."

With that Amber jumped down, but not to her room, to the outside world and away from the house. Nancy sighed as she watched Amber go. She'd seen the monster, she could help get barb back, but she didn't even know it.

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