I groan opening my eyes sunlight shining through the curtains I soon quest and memories from yesterday start coming back to me it takes me a few hot seconds then I realised that I'm on Connor I hope he isn't awake yetI take a breath and look up at him and of course he is awake. "Morning Paul" He said and yawned "uh morning corn hole" I said trying to be cool he laughed
I love his laugh so much "we should get up" Connor said I nodded and tried to get up only to fall on Connor "oh uh hey there" He said "hi"
I said quitely we both laughed and finally managed to get up. "You don't have any clothes" He said I just got really embarrassed "no problem I'll get you a sweatshirt and some jeans would you be ok with that" He asked I nodded he went to his closet and got a sweatshirt and some jeans and handed then to me I went to go put them on they were definitely Connor's it had his faint smell and they were a little big the pants were fine hardly bigger then me I think these
might be his freinds or an old pair of jeans but the sweatshirt was a bit bigger then me and it was purple hopefully no one notices
I come out of the bathroom to see Connor puting on his shirt on I'm totally not blushing I don't blush and we are just freinds best buds you know all that stuff "ready to go paul" He asked I nodded my head weade our way out of the house "later we will go pick up your clothes and some other stuff if you would like" He said as we hoped in his truck "yeah sure" I said we stated.
Driving down to work when s
I saw a road work a head sign "hey you see that sign" I asked Connor "yeah?" He said "well I sure hope it does" It takes him a hot second then he groans I start laughing we pull up to a stop sign and he just stares at me "what" "have I told you your laugh sounds like happiness and wonder and very cute " He said and looked back to the road I was blushing heavily "oh uh thank you" I said.Pov:Connor
I called Paul's laugh cute I mean it really is but why did I say that. Uhg soon we pull up to work I see Tanner and Mathias together so we walk up to them. "Hey guys what's the plan for today's episode" I asked "Minecraft building 5 star resort" Mathias said."Are those Connors clothes" Tanner asked Paul turned bright pink "i-uh-yeah" Paul said I smiled blushing a little to "and you two rode together and got here pretty Early those two things put together is a little suspicious" Mathias said taking a sip out of a star bucks cup "ok I can explain (Paul explaining why and I'm tired last to write it all)"
Tanner and Mathias made an oh face we started walking to to GGG room when Mathias whispers "you should go for it" I know what me ment but I played dumb well I don't really have to play dumb since it's a natural thing for me (I'M SORRY IT WAS JOKES) "you like him it's really obvious and I think he might like you back~" He said taking a sip from his coffee I rolled my eyes and blushed
Paul looked back at me and Mathias and frowned I wonder what that was about?. We make it inside the room and start.
*time skip till they are done*
We finished and of course Matt did the best he is the best builder well best Minecraft builder "heyyy Cornhole ready to go" Paul asked with his arms around my shoulders "ye-yeah" I said we walk back to my truck and get in.We start driving sometimes talking other times singing along to what was on the radio we soon pulled up to Paul's old house "ready" I asked Paul nodded we get out of the truck and go inside Paul had a key "hey guys I packed some of your stuff already Paul" Paul's ex girlfriend I guess said "ok thank you" Paul said I started taking some stuff to the truck.
After a bit I see Paul and her talking then I see Paul blush WhAt (you haven't played TuBer SImUlAtOr) I thought they were done then I heard "no he doesn't like me back I mean I Wi-" He whispered yelled then noticed I was really close so he turned BRIGHT pink.
Wait he said he... is Paul bi dose he not want me to know or... Is he talking about me I snapped out of my thoughts to Paul standing in front of me and lightly slaps my face "yes?" I ask he just stares at me with his hand on my face "oh-I uh you were just standing there and I was worried.... We have all the boxes pack let's goo" He said I smiled "ook" I said and walked back to the truck

ponnor (get good gaming)
FanfictionI really like the ship ponnor and I can't find any story's so I decided to make this on Co written with @dogtrot13