Chapter 16

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Sorry for not updating in a while I got a new phone, went camping, I'm sorry

Zalgo's POV
Finally, I have power over one of Slenderman's most powerful creepypasta's. Now if I can capture Calypso, I can finally overpower their mansion and have full control of the underground and the forests. I do need to work on the bracelets a bit more. Wolfgirl keeps breaking free of the spell and she has almost ripped it off. All of a sudden I hear the sirens go off. 'Fuck, did she escape?' I thought as I teleported to her cell. 'Shit she did escape.. And she got the bracelet off her!!' I glanced around the cell when I heard he voice.
"You, you fucking moron. I'm not contained for, for long. I, I hope you suffer for, for everything you, you did" She stuttered. Guess her wounds still need to heal. She then pressed a button on the wall and the cage doors closed. She flipped me off and teleported. My proxies ran in after that. I teleport out of the cell just before they could see me.
"FIND WOLFGIRL AND CAPTURE HER! We need her so we can capture Calypso!" I yell at them. "Wolfie! I need to speak with you! Everyone else look for Wolfgirl" I add. He nods and everyone but him leaves.
"What do you need, sir?" He asked.
"You have similar powers to Wolfgirl, am I correct?" I adk
"Yes, hers are stronger since she was closer to both the first and second explosion. Why?" He inquired.
"Because, I need you to steal her powers after we destroy Slenderman and his proxies and creepypastas" I respond.
"What's in it for you?" He questioned.
"I will have the strongest proxie, so I will be able to destroy all of the other slender brothers and operators," I reply. "So? Are you in, or out?"
"I'm in! " He replied less than a second after I finished speaking. 'Watch out Slendy, we're coming for you first'

Wolfgirl's POV
I teleported as far as possible, since Zalgo's headquarters or whatever, is hidden in hell so even Satan can't find it and you can't teleport to leave hell, so I decided to fly out of here. I'm a born halfling Denon so I have demon wings and sometimes horns but I don't have the tail. I open my hidden wings and start flying, and can't waste anytime by resting, I need to get to Slender and the others. Zalgo was not private with his thoughts as he never believed I could escape, so I know his plan. Actually anyone who he doesn't think will ever escape him knows his plan. I was hoping I never would have to go back to Zalgo's headquarters. See he has a mansion and a headquarters. Most operators know where his mansion is but no one really knows where his headquarters are. I noticed some demons at the entry way to hell. They of course, were Zalgo's demons. I I then aimed down and glided away from them just to run into Wolfie.
"A pleasure seeing you here, sister"
He announced.
"The pleasure is all mine" I snap. In return he snaps and then immediately I'm surrounded.
"We were hoping you would try to leave hell immediately, I mean, you rarely ever make friends when your being hunted down" They then all attacked me and caught me. 'Shit, I just got away from these assholes not even an hour ago' then they knocked me unconscious.

Calypso's POV
I left the mansion to look for Wolfgirl in Hell. I used to date the manic who kidnapped her so as long as he didn't switch locations for his hideout I can hopefully free Wolfgirl. I heard a fight going on and decided to check it out. I saw Wolfie and some other of Zalgo's proxies beating Wolfgirl as she was unconscious. Out of pure anger I grabbed my weapons and attacked them. I managed to surprise them so that lead to my advantage but eventually they started to figure out who I was by my fighting style.
"So your the infamous Calypso, close friends with my sister I see" Wolfie smirked
"And you the famous dick Wolfie" I snap back. He sighed and reached in his pocket and a grabbed what looked like a communicator and pressed the button.
"What was that f-" I started before Zalgo teleported in front of us all. He smirked and through me down on the ground with so much force I saw spots I  my vision. The last thing I saw was him evilly smirking down on me.

Sorry it's been awhile I procastinate more than I should, again, sorry

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