Chapter 3:Anna

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It's my 6th birthday and I have became almost numb to Anjelica's madness. I have been trying to to ignore her as much as I can this is mainly because I don't want to end up like Zara. Anjelica got a snake shortly after Zara died which makes me feel even worse that she has been rewarding for killing also it really freeks me out. Anjelica once put her in my bed and I wake up with her head poped out from the covers so close to me I could feel the saliver coming from her hissing. Then Anjelica picked her up her up and said"good girl". She then gave her some locasis and she grusammly chomped them up. Back into today,I get and Anjelica is watching me sleep again. I wake up and have breakfast of pancakes and syrop. I had to check my drink to test if it's poisoned by my syco sister. It wasn't but I'm still very paranoid that I might die any time soon. We go to the movies and I hate it because it's a movie that satified my sister's violent obsession. We go home and I make the cake my dad. Anjelica offered to make it with use I'm her intentions are good but I don't trust her. We have dinner and it ok. The cake comes comes out and dad begins to cut slices out the cake. Anjelica begins to twich debating. She begins to leaning her hand towards the came knife. She held it in her hand. "Do you want to cut to cut the cake dear?"dad ascks.
"No"I mutter under my breath as he begins to help Anjelica cut the cake. Then she begins to force the knife upwads. "What are you doing?"dad ascks.
"You'll see"she said. She gets him to the ground and I begin to run towards her. I drag her back but then she hits me in the stomach. It hurts loads and in the unpack I fall backwards into the table. I see my sister slowly slit my farthers throat. I see see him suffer a painfull death as more and more blood trickles onto the kitchen floor. Anjelica closes his eyes and kisses him on the head. She begins to go into a mad laughing fit accompanying a creepy smile. Then she changes and her sycopathic joy turned into sadness. "Oh daddy I love you but you had to die. You had for Anna to love me because greef will make her stronger"she said sobbing. I begin to cry I shove Anjelica out the way and stand infrunt of dad's lifeless body. "There there"Anjelica wispered.
"Don't you there there me I have tried to learn to forgive you day about Zara but this I can never forgive you"I said shoving her out the way. I run upstairs and begin to run up the and begin to pack my bags. "Where are you going"Anjelica ascks.
"I don't care where I'm going unless it's as far as I can get from you"I said trying to shove her out the way.
"Don't you see I love you I would never try to hurt you"Anjelica said.
"I don't care "I said shoving her out the way.
"Fine but more people will die due to your ignorence"Anjelica shouts as I begin to run. Run from my small village house my childhood home and venture out to the big city a couple of miles away.

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