Chapter 5 - Friendship Happiness

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Gwen and Bridgette walked to the mall, "Sure the mall isn't that busy today." Bridgette said. "That's good." Gwen said. Gwen wondered if she should tell Bridgette about her and Duncan breaking up. Maybe I should tell Bridgette this.  Gwen thought to herself. "Bridgette, yesterday I broke up with Duncan." Gwen confessed to Bridgette as they walked to the clothing store. "Wow, you did?" Bridgette asked in surprise.

"Yes, I just wanted Courtney to be happy with Duncan. Also I realized we weren't meant to be together" Gwen explained. "That's a pretty hard decision, I am glad you made a good choice. There is someone I think you would want to be with." Bridgette commented. Then Bridgette and Gwen walked inside as they saw Courtney. "Oh hello Courtney!" Bridgette cheerfully greeted Courtney. "Hello Bridgette." Courtney greeted. "Wait is that the Boyfriend Kisser!? Get her away!!" Courtney yelled in anger. "Courtney wait! Please calm down, I want to say something!" Gwen begged. 

"Yes Courtney! Calm down please." Bridgette calmed Courtney down. "Courtney, remember when I was with Duncan? I broke up with him now since we weren't meant to be together. I wanted to make you happy." Gwen confessed to Courtney. "Wait! You broke up with him?" Courtney asked. "Yes, as I said. I am wondering if we should be friends again." Gwen said. "Gwen! Thank you so much! Sure, we can be friends." Courtney ran and hugged Gwen with joy. "I am also sorry for yelling at you and being a drama queen." Courtney apolgized to Gwen. 

"I forgive you Courtney. Wanna join us on finding clothes for today?" Gwen offered Courtney. "Sure thing! I would like to come find clothes." Courtney agreed. "Alright let's go!" Bridgette agreed. I am glad I made my choice!  Gwen smiled happily.

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